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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. Next Christmas we’re getting 2 new special editions. A Galway livery one and Another lined green one to compliment the surge in 60s coaching stock you can quote me when I’m right
  2. my favourite layout currently in progression. Looks very realistic
  3. James bond isint raking in the numbers its expected Fingers crossed it will arrive before september first
  4. All inspiration for next years IRM catalogue Anyways, I'm off to malahide
  5. As long as its in a green livery, it suits me
  6. They recently installed mini toy diggers and remote control boats! Most of the money is made of season tickets that allow access 12 months of the year which many locals with children utilise. The origional locos to run the lines were 1:24 scale CBPR tank engines but they didnt take curves to well and neither did they take well to sea air. Instead the american locos cheap and east use the system However......i saw the other week that maybe....something is changing. Spotted about 2 weeks ago alas Still the wrong railway....but a C&MLR tank engine and flying snail 6 wheel coach (possibly the first authentic West Cork peice to use these lines!) and the signal box being put back into its place at albert quay....maybe some that kiddy money is being put to use still, as it stands, the only reason to go the west cork model village as an enthusiast os gawking at the ruston and rolling stock, buying the dvd/book, looking at the few mesusum peices thankfully provided by chris larkin. And looking at the towns themselves
  7. Now there is what the sign SHOULD look like, take note chinese/indian scrap metal industries
  8. This thread reminded me of this photo......many of the classics here including Coras Iompair Eireann railway......
  9. https://www.donedeal.ie/collectibles-for-sale/great-southern-railway-cast-iron-wall-plaque/28740390 Don't think I've seen this one before, fake or wrong railway?
  10. They sell these in mother jones flea market for 35 euros was always tempted by the "C&BR" one to put on a gate pillar or something. Makes that bantry excursion poster i overpaid for look like peanuts in comparison as its actually verifiable real Speaking of which, saw somone claiming all these signs were authentic. One search of "railway signs" on done deal will reveal all https://www.donedeal.ie/collectibles-for-sale/10-antique-irish-railway-signs-pre-1920/28728511
  11. She is a beautiful machine to be fair. Needs to pay a visit to home sometime though
  12. I saw those earlier, flying snail coaches are tempting
  13. Perhap Macroom and its surroundings can provide insperation for dugganport. It also was an only freight line since 1935 with only very few excursions for gaa and such Cant help with the Harbour though!
  14. Absolutly top class layput, detail is sublime If any, it draws very much parrallels to macroom terminus in its dying days in 1953
  15. Ahhh jaysus, have the closed the london branch via macmine junction, gort, naas, drimoleague and new york central? Bustling line
  16. Ahh yes juardeen junction for the rio de hagerdeen branch I wonder if somone else has the other 2 that compliment those
  17. Now THAT is dense vegetation Stunning
  18. Looks like the yolk todd andrews drove to deliver the bad news to every rural branchline in the country There were a few things like this in ireland at that time. I've even seen a machine gun mounted in a gswr open wagon
  19. Lead paint and asbestos insulation, a small price to pay for.......paddy whiskey advertising boards, enamel station signs and steam locos on the regular
  20. I can wait to go to marks models and seeing a few of them in the glass cabinet, since i can't afford them all!
  21. The steam locos before, and the GM's after certainly put the A's down on looks. Orange suited the GM's more then the A/C Class. But the models do give them a Little more justice I didnt like the 121's at all until i got a model of one, maybe these models are swaying some to like these workhorses
  22. Agreee fully on the 50s-60s being the thr most diverse and *imo* the most interesting The amount of lines open, different steam and diesel locomotives, how colourful it was and how much important irish railway landmarks were happening at the time. Of course, I'm bias cause my local line closed in that era but still. This was a time when you could travel from baltimore to letterkenny, from valtentia harbour to strabane, from tramore to kilkee ect. When GM locos clashed buffers with J15s, A and C classes clashed buffers with 800s and so on
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