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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. This is a good point i guess I hadn’t thought of. considering they were originally supposed to be Pacific’s, and much more then just the 3. They certainly would have been nice PR. A photo of one going over the bridge in mallow might have been a good propaganda picture! Though for me. A failed experiment is as interesting as a superb success if not more so. Perhaps that’s why that mid green tailte is calling to me… Here is a small video for the dieselites out there who need to be converted
  2. I don’t think 009 Irish stuff ready to run is worth it yet. Niche within a niche within a niche It is slightly, but to be fair if the Irish market is stagnating/slowing. Then why not try and market towards those across the pond. If anything will tempt them it’s the 800s!
  3. Can’t see to many people being too annoyed about lack of 21mm though. At the end of the day, as has been pointed out the SSM version is still out there.
  4. An excellent presentation in Bru Columbanus tonight by Ciaràn cooney. Included shots of extremely long excursion trains in the 1960s hauled by a Black Sulzer loco. The coaches were in both green and Black and Tan. Mostly made up of GSWR bogey coaches!
  5. Snail or no snail. 800/801 will look perfect besides Black and Tan 141s, sulzers and such. Will look even better next to a silver A class
  6. Probobly just a case of it would look stange in a livery diagram like that if the lining was white!
  7. Exactly. Perhaps somone using Ral colours extracted from the hattons coaches/800 one could repaint appropriate British stock. Thats what I did for years before the genesis coaches and it was perfect im sure I’ve seen photos of CIE full brake 6 wheelers running behind 800
  8. interesting cause in the diagrams of the CIE livery that we have on the website. The lining appears yellow on CIE liveries
  9. The very concept of double headed 800s is bizzare!
  10. Oh my god I need to see this Also, since I genuinly don’t know/can’t tell. CIE livery on steam loco. Was the lining white or cream/straw coloured as the IRM diagrams show?
  11. I’ll take GSWR 90 to go with my maebh. 2 extremes of size next to eachother
  12. By far the most likely being the GNR class JT. Perhaps the sulzer as well. BCDR 30 an outside shout perhaps
  13. @BosKonay can you confirm or deny a MGWR 4-4-0 in the next day 10 years to save GSR 800 some time!
  14. 801 Maca pulled sugar beet trains to mallow! A rake which included IRM bullied and GSR plank wagons. Also the rake I have on cine film has @leslie10646’s GSWR van (thank god I have one pre ordered!)
  15. Think this logic is what will help shift them!
  16. You could work Bantry like youghal (which in theory it could and in my opinion should have been) where Mixed goods work up to the 1973 and excursion and beet working until the mid 80s perhaps
  17. Seeing things like supertrain mark 2s on the layout is quite something, considering I’m used to seeing 6 wheelers and laminates
  18. Of all the greenways in this country, it’s by far the most likely to re-open…
  19. You could go to Midleton and walk to youghal! I’ll be aboard anyway.
  20. It’s a pretty good match, but it’s not perfect. It’s too dark for the lighter green and too light for the darker green. Colour was emerald green from memory
  21. Here was my attempt a couple of years ago. it was on some cheap LMS coach from hattons.
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