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Everything posted by Westcorkrailway

  1. Alex Duggan sent me a rough model of the CBSCR Bandon tank will look like in order to try put on my B12 chassis. The results speak for themselves as even with no motor (removed in some of the pictures below) My query is maybe i could find an 0-6-0 chassis, and then add the bogeys to that. Something like an austerity, 1998 hornby terrier or bachmann billy. Anything with the right wheelbase (about 85mm at maximim) and where the motor allows the loco shell to fit Motor equipped, C212 is there as a reference These 2 photos demonstrate that even with no motor, it looks smart but is still too high and of course...isin't motorised using a 1/2 model, we see why the high motor gets in the way
  2. Watch.......in years to come we will be begging for a re-release!
  3. A23R is going to be that one model going for €500 in a few years isint it
  4. Question: how long will it be before we have painted samples of all the liveries. Will it be around release time? Ps:I must say I'm surprised that supertrain/IR dont top the list and rather black and tan has top 3 of 4 places
  5. Something ive seen done in my native county is murals and monuments dedicated to the past, no words. Just encouragment that encourage you to research yourself. Granted there are signs everywhere but these really stand out to me and the youngsters alike This one is in west cork, but miles away from the railway. Made out of scrap materials and yet 464 is done well a recently completed Bandon tank model at Enniskeane with its own plynth. Colourful and thought provoking mural at skibbereen no words, just triggers curiosity Another recently completed mural at enniskeane. While the lack of colour holds this one back, it still provokes thaught and encourages research.
  6. Im sure i saw a photo somwhere of a car train at claremorris....presumably fords Agreee, ive seem about 4 pictures of them. Ive heard they have gone as far as west courtmacsherry and fenit
  7. I like this wayyyyyy more then i should, doesn't suit the coach but.....
  8. Hence why colourisation is such a trend.....your welcome
  9. Exclusive look at giants causway tramway footage there going to use:
  10. Ahhh yes, the traditional waterford sport of British steam engine racing
  11. Meanwhile I'm watching "bernards working comics", a programme about taking the mick with Irish rail staff on RTE 2 as we speak and there has already been better old railway footage! Like nationwide, but with wierd bits like that penny farthing scene
  12. I swear twould be easier to not british railway footage then to use it! Anyway im off to watch off the beaten track on youtube!
  13. I can understand footage of other irish railways, even narrow guage ones, But LNER A4s.........was it just me who noticed They even gave sleive callan with a cute tender in the intro!
  14. If thats the same coach there to the left, somones moved it as its not against the buffers......maybe it was used once....or maybe it was just shunted (From brian bakers west cork railways film)
  15. After giving it some thought, ids say 1 or none of the branches would be open for it to make it to the 21st centuary (probobly clonakilty for the sugar beet although by 2006 that would be irrelevant!) Run simular to the Ballima branch. The mainline would either go all the way to Bantry, clon junction (where clonakilty becomes the mainline terminus) or bandon depending on how it surived. And would be worked by a 22000 set Either that or it would be a greenway by now..... Probably the later! Turn about 90 degrees and you see station building. There is a group wanting to turn it into a sailing meuseum as baltimore is famous for its wooden boat making (there are clips of trains with a wagon full of wood for it) with a train cafe with 00 or even 0 gauge layout running around it! Irelands most southern model railway station!
  16. Now we wait for april fools articles to pop up! My little piece from yesterday, worth a gander to look at pictures if you aren't already familiar with them https://www.facebook.com/106687211088100/posts/268523431571143/
  17. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=270703851267082 Some footage from brian bakers film showing the last day of the West Cork railway (for those who have not seen)
  18. There hardly going to do a full episode on the giants causway railway! Oh well at least the west clare, achill DNGR and lough swilly get covered
  19. Ooooooh what is on "the list" or is it top secret confidential stuff?
  20. Here is me praying the west cork gets an episode
  21. First the wikipedia article......and now this...... Granted this is more understandable due to the "West clare railway" and "West cork railway" having the same initials. Also upon a quick read Bally-martle station is just Ballymartle station ect.
  22. The origional one snapped on half and was recently removed.....god knows what happened to it Not a gsr sign but waterfall is also still at halfway vintage club
  23. Im aware that At least skeaf and drimoleagie survived. Clon junction has a replica one but to be fair there is probobly plenty more i dont know about
  24. Well while this wont work.....another strategy has come forth Alex Duggan on facebook has started a Bandon tank 3d model designed for a B12 chassis that will be finished in the coming months no doubt. While its in the very early stages of testing right now. Its yet another step in the right direction for 3d printing. Of course while building a kit is much harder for somone of my experience to pull off this will be Much easier Does anyone have any good photo's of the origional non belfair bandon tanks or anything that can help alex along with this undertaking?
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