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gm171 kk

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Everything posted by gm171 kk

  1. Thanks lads. The kegs themselves are made by MIR. I can't wait to see the level crossing painted and put in position on the layout, it will no doubt add a bit of "Irishness" to it.
  2. Thanks lads. I finally got the SSM level crossing kit built. Here's another pic of the scratch built beer cages painted and a pic of the row of six cages together being built. I hope the bendiness of the wire won't be so noticeable once they are painted.
  3. The 201s seemed to cover most IWT trains up until recently with 071s covering everything mostly. I'm guessing the 201s are used because the IWT liners are heavier, usually fully loaded with two tanktainers loaded onto one LX wagon whereas on the DFDs liners a lightly loaded train is not unusual and there is usually one tanktainer per LX wagon when there are any. There is talk of rail freight returning to Foynes but I don't know much about it.
  4. Thanks Sulzer201. I started making some Guinness keg cages today to fill my MIR flats planning to make about twelve and I ended up with three.
  5. Great pics Noel! The new numbering on 078 is something else. My Guinness liner was cancelled today as a result of a poor load Kegs and cages are the first thing on the workbench in the new year!
  6. Great work Tom. You must be one of the few along with myself who prefer 201s over the other GMs.
  7. I have filmed all but four 071s including ones with orange doors, windows, horns and wipers and this is the only pic I have of a bit of orange for you; It's 073 with a borrowed window frame from a 141/181. A few more pics of the orange peeping through.
  8. I am currently building a 1/50 scale house and am trying to source materials for roofing. Does anyone know of any product I can get that is just sheets of tiles or slates, preferably plastic like the evergreen stuff, that can be just cut and glued onto the top of a building as I don't have time to assemble a roof slate by slate? This is not railway related but seeing as this is the only modelling forum I am a member of I thought I'd put the question to you guys.
  9. Thanks lads. I am also in the process of building a pair of MIR bubble cement wagons, the older version I think.
  10. I picked up a pretty cheap Hornby KFA wagon at the Cork fair last Sunday with loose buffers and ofcourse I would lose the piece on the way home. So I decided to scratchbuild the piece. Not the most interesting of jobs I know but the workbench has been very quiet. I plan to accumulate a rake of 6 of these wagons which will eventually be converted into the Irish timber wagons.
  11. Thanks lads. It was great to see it alright. I haven't seen any other evidence of the van making up part of the sperry train before. It could have been added for the guard on board seeing as the train had to reverse in Kilkenny and Ballyhale or it could have just been a convenient way to get it up to Dublin.
  12. I heard it's going to Tara Junction from North Wall in the next few days Noel.
  13. 084 hauled the Waterford to North Wall sperry train today. I caught it in Kilkenny running around and scanning the track. The train was formed of the sperry wagon, two 40ft container flats holding a pair of water tanks from the weedspray train each and unusually, the weedspray coach. [video=youtube;7M7ysM1V-IQ]
  14. Here's another pic of 202 from the ITG facebook page.
  15. Nope, I only came across that a while ago on the ITG facebook page. A great pic though.
  16. Here's a pic of a C class in Waterford as late as the 1990s.
  17. You aren't, there was more to the video but it had my 6 year old fat head in it so I left it out. That was taken by my grandfather while he was standing on the siding that used to be there along with a group of other families. How times have changed.
  18. I know the forklift shown in this vid was used in the loading/unloading anyway. Apologies but this video is the video of a video that was not the best quality originally. It is a terrible shame alright minister_for_hardship. There aren't even any runaround facilities there anymore even for the RPSI specials that sometimes use the station and you aren't even allowed use the footbridge there, you have to walk all the way around. Thanks for the pics Glenderg.
  19. Hi, Bit of a long shot here but does anyone have any info about the "Guinness" liners that ran between Dublin and Waterford carrying Smithwicks from Waterford and dropping off empty kegs on the down trains at Kilkenny and picking up kegs of Budweiser on the up trains. The kind of info I am looking for is when the liners stopped calling at Kilkenny, the way they were loaded/unloaded and the way in which the kegs were transported back and forward from the brewery. If anybody has pictures of even just wagons stable in the train station that would also be great. This is a freight flow I am very interested in modelling hopefully when Weshty's flats come out as it is the only freight flow I know of that called at Kilkenny in the 00s.
  20. Just plain vandalism then They could have done something better in my opinion like a big smiley face or something. Thanks Tom, great pics.
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