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David Holman

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Everything posted by David Holman

  1. Thanks for prompt replies. Here are a few more pics, though have found most files are too big, so will rest the camera & do a few more over the next few days. Track is Code 100 flatbottom, copperclad points by Marcway, plain track soldered up by me The coaches and wagons are all scratchbuilt in plasticard & based on the Alphagraphix kits. Use Slaters wheels, opened up to 5' 3", in either left over W irons from Parkside & Slaters kits [current layout is BR Eastern region, 1950s], or castings from the JPL range. Doubt if the latter are correct, but from photos I have so far, seems to me there isn't the archive material available that we have on English railways [eg any number of wagon & coach books], while Sligo wagons seem to often sport different buffers on each beam/end, so have given up worrying, at least for now.
  2. Seems like a lot of hard work to me... In 7mm scale, use 60 or 80thou plasticard & simply file/sand the leading edge to the front profile of the gutter [round or square], then paint the top edge black before glueing under the overhang. If models are being observed at a reasonable height, it is hard to see into the gutter & after MANY exhibitions have yet to have anyone notice the deception.
  3. Hello out there - have just joined the group & interested in the SLNCR. Am building a small layout in 7mm scale & 36.75mm track. Happily the latter done for me by Marcway, but scratch/kitbuilding the rest, with help from Alphagrapix, whose card kits seem like good colour plans for working in plasticard/metal. A Northstar 'Lissadell' and Tyrconnel J26 are nearing completion, but would welcome info on Sir Henry [especially a drawing], the articulated railcar & likewise any appropriate wagon drawings of stuff that might have appeared on the system. Am new to this type of forum, think I've also posted a blog, so will await an replies with baited breath...
  4. [attachment=:name]Just joined the group & keen get info on the 'Sligo'. Am building a 7mm scale, 36.75mm gauge model of the once proposed line into the Arigna coal mining area - mainly to enable a terminus fiddle yard set up, rather than end to end. Currently ok for coaches, wagons [mostly] & buildings, thanks to the Alphagraphix kits, which am using as colour plans to scratchbuild the actual models. Likewise have two of the Northstar kits of the small 0-6-4Ts, plus a J26 0-6-0T. What I'd also like to do is build a model of 'Sir Henry', one of the second batch of larger 0-6-4Ts, but so far unable to source a drawing. similarly anything on the articulated railcae would be good, so am hoping there are knowledgeable folk out there!
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