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murrayec last won the day on August 1 2023

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  1. ''Endless annoyance at the world''
  2. Came across these in my Da's photos;- Connolly station back in the 80's Eoin.
  3. until
  4. The last Fair of 2024, not to be missed;-
  5. A very nice man has donated this kit of castings to the cause...... It includes a full set of castings in gunmetal & cast iron, full set of 11 drawings, frame steel plates, steel angle buffer beams, and LBSC's book on building the loco. The loco was designed by LBSC ( Curly Lawrence ) based on a contractor's shunting tank locomotive. This is his 3.5'' gauge version, running on coal with a boiler pressure of 70 to 80 lb. The loco is heavy enough to pull one person relatively easy. Boiler, body and general stock materials are not included. This project will be stashed away until current projects are complete......... Eoin.
  6. until
  7. The November Fair Date:-
  8. until
  9. The October Fair Date:-
  10. Some Irish stuff here;- https://www.ipenginnering.com/diesel-petrol-loco-kits Eoin.
  11. Looks great, I know some of those locos! Eoin
  12. Use Railmatch Caledonian blue for the original blue. Use Humbrol No 48 Mediterranean Blue, Humbrol No. 109 matt WW1 blue, or Ford Wedgewood blue, for the later repainted blue. Eoin
  13. until
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