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murrayec last won the day on February 4

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  1. No, no, don't be putting pictures of him up! please Eoin
  2. A link to Ken's Class 800 drawings;-
  3. With recent requests for Class 800 drawings I post below KMCE's scanned drawings in pdf format. It was Ken's intention to complete out a general arrangement set of drawings and make them available to fellow modellers, sadly time ran out for him, but with these drawings he will be remembered. scan751 front.pdfscan752 Side Cab.pdfscan753 Side Valves.pdfscan754 Side Front.pdfscan755 Third Cylinder Section.pdfscan756 Third Cylinder Valve Section.pdfscan757 Boiler Tubes.pdf Eoin
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  4. This was my go at the Worsley Works laminate etches, though a few of my own bits were added! Eoin
  5. until
  6. The Fair's Feb date;-
  7. Yes thats correct, and as you can see that .4 of a mm makes all the difference Eoin
  8. OO is 1:76 so your scale factor from 1:1 is .0131 Eoin
  9. One could go off script and use an elephant instead, it's trunk would be just as handy as the dino's tail....... Eoin
  10. Hi Kevin, Yes booked beforehand, is it just stuff you are selling once-off or ongoing? Send me a pm about want you want to do and we will confirm back. Eoin
  11. Mount the dinosaur on the top and stick the spare collet on it's tail....... Eoin
  12. oh, I have one of those kits, somewhere! I forgot all about it...... Eoin
  13. I acquired this gauge many years ago, the glass was smashed, the face badly damaged and the pointer completely rusted away. Large body gauges- 100mm dia, are ideal for steam boiler pressure testing, much more accurate than the smaller type. I started restoring it a few years ago! but recently finished it;- This is the new face made by scanning the old one into Autocad, drawing it up anew, printing it out on heavy paper card and spray lacquering it to seal the paper. It is mounted on top of the old face when reassembling. Sand blasted the outer body and the exposed pipe fitting. Body spray painted, the new pointer was cut from thin brass sheet and chemically blackened. Polishing setup for the brass rim, my polisher is a pistol drill mounted on the bench. I used Luster polish first and finished with Rouge n paraffin. Polished A new brass ferrule was turned up on the lathe. Stuck together with Loctite 603, the ferrule is a press fit onto the pin of the pressure mech, the pin is tapered so the ferrule locks on. Reassembled, the new glass was made from 3mm perspex sheet. I now need to pressure test it against a known accurate gauge to see if it needs adjustment, but I will hang it on the wall for the moment...... Eoin
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