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murrayec last won the day on February 4

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  1. There are a few beautiful engineer sectional renderings of a sister loco, the boiler, Uniflow engine section, and text description in this book;- Eoin
  2. Be careful of using double sided tape- with some brands or most the glue drys out over time with the lamination coming free. PVA or paper glues would be a far better deal. The edges can be covered with printed corner trims to walls and openings, with fascia & barge trims to the roofs I agree with Darius43 about 'flat' corrugated roofs. Take a look at Kevin Sweeney's thread for his building builds! Eoin Cutting edge stuff
  3. Visited all regularly
  4. The WW Kit provides outer frames in the etches, but does not include frames for a chassis. Most builders, but not all, use a 'spud' or Blackbeetle motor bogies for power so all that is needed is a cross support to mount the bogie off....... Eoin
  5. http://www.wheeltappersdccsounds.co.uk/page49/index.html
  6. Hi Kevin, There is a 'Resource' section in Resources, maybe set it up in there? or In Home Resources RTR Models Buildings Eoin
  7. No, no, don't be putting pictures of him up! please Eoin
  8. A link to Ken's Class 800 drawings;-
  9. With recent requests for Class 800 drawings I post below KMCE's scanned drawings in pdf format. It was Ken's intention to complete out a general arrangement set of drawings and make them available to fellow modellers, sadly time ran out for him, but with these drawings he will be remembered. scan751 front.pdfscan752 Side Cab.pdfscan753 Side Valves.pdfscan754 Side Front.pdfscan755 Third Cylinder Section.pdfscan756 Third Cylinder Valve Section.pdfscan757 Boiler Tubes.pdf Eoin
      • 1
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  10. This was my go at the Worsley Works laminate etches, though a few of my own bits were added! Eoin
  11. until
  12. The Fair's Feb date;-
  13. Yes thats correct, and as you can see that .4 of a mm makes all the difference Eoin
  14. OO is 1:76 so your scale factor from 1:1 is .0131 Eoin
  15. One could go off script and use an elephant instead, it's trunk would be just as handy as the dino's tail....... Eoin
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