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Everything posted by Horsetan

  1. During the oul East German days, Piko was known for being value-for-money. I was given a lend of a friend's Deutsche Reichsbahn "Reko" 03 Pacific back then, and was quite amazed to find that almost all of its valve gear (fully-working, by the way) was plastic, not metal. Even the coupling rods were plastic. It was still a fine model for the price.
  2. Jaysus. 15 notes for that yoke?
  3. In that case, it may be as well to also adapt parts from the Brassmasters 4F inside motion kit - the crossheads do look suitable.
  4. If delivery problems go on as they are, it could be 2015/2016 before models reach these shores....
  5. Horsetan

    buffer detail

    Very different from the LMS/BR "Turton & Platt" buffer pattern. And also very different to the Western Region parallel buffer stock housing as well.
  6. I agree. Think you'd need to borrow those photgraphic floodlight things!
  7. That last / first photo (photo 16), in which you showed a broadside shot of the "Piston Valves and piston rod detail and gland assembly" - is it possible to get the camera in a bit closer to see how the PVs are actuated? I've enlarged the photo and highlighted the area in light blue to show you what I'm after.....
  8. God only knows how I'm going to portray the lubricator drive rod!
  9. This also confirms that the right-hand crank (on the left of the photo) leads the left-hand, i.e. a right-hand lead.
  10. Horsetan

    from above

    Back end of slide bars, plus supports for eccentric rods / expansion links / dieblocks.
  11. Horsetan


    Highly interesting - four-bar slidebars, but not a full cruciform crosshead.
  12. Interesting that this part appears unsupported. Other classes - particularly British mainline classes - tended to have brackets for these to slide in.
  13. Also weighshaft and balance weight.
  14. Horsetan


    That's the motion bracket, supporting the slidebars.
  15. Horsetan

    Coupling rad detail

    Hmm....triangular bevelled rims. That's something I hadn't been able to see clearly in other photos.
  16. I appear to be cursed with long life.
  17. It just so happens that I have a Finney Pannier inside motion kit lying around....hmmmm....
  18. Click "Albums" tab above. There's quite a few "Q" shots as well! Here ...and here Deadly!
  19. Fantastic. Just what I need :banana: The Martin Finney inside cranks that I have are a near-match in shape for these, and crank throw might be fairly close as well.
  20. Horsetan

    Driving axle detail

    This is excellent. I think I can adapt the cranks and eccentrics from Martin Finney's T9 kit!
  21. Found 'em! Excellent run of photos. Think that pretty much confirms I can adapt one of Martin Finney's inside motion kits - the cranks and eccentrics appear similar in shape to those in the GW Pannier, and I could use some other bits from the LSWR T9.
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