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Robert Davies

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Everything posted by Robert Davies

  1. Again, thanks for the advice Rich, I took a look over at the last yuku site at Eamonn's build of the Dutch van. That build shows to me what is capable with the kit. Looking at protoype pics I think you (Rich) have identified what was bothering me slightly about the kit - the underframe tanks/details are somewhat underdone in the kit, and would benefit the final build significantly if they where upgraded with a little bit of fabrication work. I'll have to place an order with Charlie in the new year - the revised Dutch Van kit looks like a nice project to develop some more skills on A final question! For now(!) When the Dutch vans where upgraded for the MKIIab stock, where they painted to match ie the VW Brilliant Orange colour? or did they remain the duller Cravens-esque colour? -Rob
  2. No need for apologies, it's relevant in that helps someone (me!) make an informed decision on purchasing the Bachmann BCK. Moving on slightly, as promised, I went and dug up a deal for BSKs on Hatton's for 12ukp: http://www.ehattons.com/25656/Bachmann_UK_39_082A_BR_Mk1_BSK_brake_2nd_corridor_in_Network_South_East_livery/StockDetail.aspx -Rob
  3. Sincerest thanks for that chaps! To expand this slightly and to try and confirm what little knowledge I have... Cravens - Vac braked and steam heated, needs Mk1 Steam van or original Dutch van. MkIID Aircon - Vac braked and Electric Train Heating, needs MkIId gen van. MkIIAB - Air braked and ETH(?) needs rebuilt Dutch gen van. MkIII - Air braked and ETH, needs MkIII gen van. That's as far as my interests lie, but I do note that MkIII gen vans are making a comeback on the Enterprise sets to relieve the accelerated wear on the 201s due to HEP requirements. -Rob
  4. The Dundalk vans being the vans built under license from the Dutch? -Rob
  5. As I understand it, the non-aircon MkIIa coaches as modelled by Bachmann for Murphy Models need a different generating coach than the MkIID aircon coaches as commissioned and modelled by Murphy Models directly. What type did the Mk11a type require? The MkIII coaches, could they run with any other type of generating coaches apart from a MkIII? Thanks for any assistance, -Rob
  6. From the delights of ebay - the previous owner has reglued the glazing units with a considerable amount of 'enthusiasm' - The glued join is now w-a-y stronger than either the glazing, or the coach itself. Luckily I didn't pay much for them.... -Rob
  7. kevrail, the Jouef coaches roof and glazing unit are all one piece that extends all the way down to the floor of the coach. You need to prise out the sides at the top of the body - enough to clear the flush glazing. Probably best to use cardboard wedges to save your thumbnails! It's a tough job - I won't kid you there! -Rob
  8. Thanks Rich, Those photos will be rather useful, because I may have taken advantage of Kernow's generous offer Off now to see if I can dig up a similar offer on Mk1 BSKs... - Hatton's @ 14ukp is my best so far Incidentally the same coach (the BCK) is at Hatton's for 12ukp, which may be cheaper for you if you're picking up anything else from Hatton's. -Rob
  9. The more the merrier on the photos front - a few more of stock on the rails would be good You're making that pub look rough with the police and ambulance outside How big is the layout? It's impossible to tell from the photos - which is no bad thing. ...and hello by the way! -Rob
  10. For those feeling frisky with the old razor saw there's this at 9.99ukp http://www.kernowmodelrailcentre.com/product/12461/39230_Bachmann_Mk1_Brake_Corridor_Composite_Coach_BCK Weshty reckons you could do this: http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/831-Silverfox-exBR-Mk1-Steam-Heating-Van?p=18496&viewfull=1#post18496 and be well on the way to a steam heating van. -Rob ps Fitted with the better B4 coils spring bogies - though if you are really particular a set of B5 bogies is available from Replica Railways. pps I'm sorry I've no idea what Kernow are like to deal with to the South, but I've used them oodles of times within the UK.
  11. 28.49 for tooling from the late '70s! They're 'avin' a laugh!?!?
  12. Voice control.... Nice solution, but what was the problem exactly? Some irish Mk3s wouldn't have been bad - but they seem to have enough trouble finding production capacity as it is.
  13. Limerick Jct looks a bit different today! Where did the 'back road' past plat 4 go?
  14. Again, thanks for the contributions!
  15. Nice one Des! And never a trick was missed...
  16. Thanks Noel for the pics and info, and to everyone else for the as well!
  17. Tail lamps on Irish trains - A question or two, or more. In recent times, since the early nineties, I have been observing two tail lamps posted on the rear of Irish trains. What are the rules regarding these tail lamps? Are they lit? Are they both lit? Do they flash, or are they a steady illumination? In early periods of time I have observed in the usual fashion - on various photo sites and on youtube - that only one tail lamp was posted on the rear of the train - when did this change to the norm being a twin red light? I sincerely apologise for the newbie questions, but the google is weak within me today, and no real answers could I divine from the great oracle. Thanks and regards, -Rob
  18. Anthony, My thoughts are with you. -Rob
  19. I saw the ad at the time... Didn't understand it then, don't understand it now... "Ah Ted, what's the big dog doing there now?"
  20. Stephen feeds him the lines and Noel knocks them out of the park.... :D
  21. It'd be hilarious if it wasn't so serious what they've done this side of the water, we're paying more index linked in subsidies to private companies to 'run' the railways than we ever did when the railways were publicly owned - Far be it from me to suggest that funny handshakes and fat brown envelopes have been exchanged.
  22. What they said above! Really nicely observed weathering - clean where the washplant reaches, filthy where it doesn't. I find I now have cement terminal envy too. I believe the youth culture response is "Mad skillz m8"
  23. I'll admit the Enterprise isn't my 'thing' - largely because I haven't the space to run a representative set, more's the pity having seen your truly exquisite work Dave - but what I must comment on is the excellent presentation of your coaches in the pics that you've provided. Those twilight -> dusk shots are wonderful -Rob
  24. Thanks for digging those up for me Gerhard An oddity strikes me - well many do really, but one relevant to these pictures - within each of the pictures, all the beet wagons are very similarly coloured, but between the photos there subtle but significant variations in the colourations. I suspect it is to do with how wet the wagon is, how damp the atmosphere is, and how recently it rained. What am I taking from all of this? Make all the beet wagons in your train similarly coloured. -Rob
  25. Thanks so much for the low loader pic - it certainly raised a smile here That DVT really is exquisite.
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