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Everything posted by Kirley

  1. Yes it's now DCC but I had to get Anthony to do it. Because of the very limited space it was not a five minute job but was helped by a few adjectives along the way!
  2. Have not posted anything for a while so here a quick look at K801 and UTA AEC Railcar on the move. Sorry about the poor quality of the video.
  3. Nelson's layout built in 2 months with the help of his Father was the one that gave me the most pleasure. Here he is in full command of operations. The future of railway modelling is in good hands.
  4. Is this the same Guy who sometimes goes under the title, "Trains no brains"?
  5. First Bangor Model Railway Club Christmas Exhibition Saturday 14th. December 2013 10am. - 5pm. Link to the Club Site: http://www.firstbangormrc.co.uk/firstbangormrc/page5.html
  6. Looking forward to see how you do the LED on the signal Eamonn.
  7. Dave 182 posted "Reference Material- CIE in the 80's" in the General Chat Section. I noticed the second picture shows unusual wagons. They look like old containers with a side cut out. Can anyone give further information on these please?
  8. Great to see progress on this layout. The tile grout looks very effective.
  9. Looking forward to seeing 209 finished.
  10. I also had contact with James Mackie and then heard nothing. I managed to make contact by email which he replied that his computer had gone down but he was getting back in operation again. I've heard nothing since which must be 3-4 months ago.
  11. Relieved to hear it's not my computer that was acting up.
  12. Can you check the Resources - RTR section please. Most of the pages are unreadable (unless you can understand computer language).
  13. Great pictures and rare ones of 208 & 209 in 'Blue'. Thanks for sharing Ivor.
  14. Thanks for the tip on where to source the hand wheels but I can't find the transfers on SSM Web Site?
  15. Well the end of the Centre Section is nearly complete with all the hard landscaping finished. This includes the Loco Shed, Refuelling Point, Oil Depot, Container Yard and a Haulage Contractor's base that managed to squeeze itself in. The Security Fence was fun to do, very fiddly. The wooded area on the entrance road to the Yard helps to disguise the fact the road goes nowhere. I've added lights, mostly LED's but bought two Yard Lights for the Haulage Contractor's Base but was very disappointed in them, you have to look closely to see if they are on. Might convert them to LED's sometime when I've nothing to do. Needed Transport and with the help of a very experienced ex Trucker who showed me ways of making trailers from RTR stock. I'll just fire up some pictures and let you see what I've been up to. Lots of bits to finish yet but most of all the Station build undertaken by Glenderg is still outstanding. I'll not be able to finish off the Station area until I have it in place.
  16. Kirley

    A Class

    John has the Silver Fox A Class kit back in stock if anyone is interested.
  17. A tidy model, looking forward to seeing a video of it running in the West! Now that's that out of the way what's next Ivor?
  18. Your colouring adds a depth to your structures and captures the 'railway feel'. Well done.
  19. Fantastic pictures, its only when you see the shed in Situ does its enormous size become apparent and the Cement unloading bay is superb. Excellent all round.
  20. There is a day and night difference in effect!
  21. Like your stable of 201's Tom, looking forward to seeing the Kit progressing.
  22. It just got better and better. Great finish, looking forward to seeing in run in the "West".
  23. Looking forward to seeing some pictures, always an exciting time seeing your ideas coming to life!
  24. Why not have a go yourself? The hardest bit is the roofs and nose. See Item 5 on my Workbench http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/78-Kirley-s-Projects
  25. Thanks for all the suggestions. Burnthebox –that site looked interesting but not available in 1/76 scale. Kevin –Scale Model Vehicles looks worth following up. It was Anthony in his Workbench that showed the conversion - excellent work as usual.
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