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Everything posted by derek

  1. I think I might have to do just that. Problem is I had planned another S bend in the goods yard. I tried the procedure with an S bend 3rd radius track and it went fine, so I might use that in the yard. Cant do it on the outer loop though as I dont have the space. Think I will extend the straight section before the curve, thereby letting me connect with a straight track to the points. Confused ?. I am confusing myself. Pics might make it a bit clearer. Its still very annoying that the wagons wont run over the 2nd radius S bend though. Especially after pulling up the old layout because of derailing problems. Sigh...... Modern stuff being engineered too finely in my humble opinion. Older stock never seemed to present these kind of problems.
  2. Tried with three wagons and they all do it Yes, the original problem happened going forward behind the loco. When I pushed them by hand ( in video clip) backwards and forwards, it happened both ways.
  3. Okay lads. I need some help here. Was trying out the outside loop with the A class and some bubbles. Keeps derailing at the same spot, at an S in the track. I took out the offending section and here is what is happening close up. So is it the bubbles or the track. Track is 2nd radius. Very frustrating. VID_20231029_123900.mp4 VID_20231029_123900.mp4 VID_20231029_123556.mp4
  4. Aha, I see now. Loop the loop Didn,t realise you had that much space to the break in the baseboard
  5. 30 to 50 per train? Mother of God! That other kidney of mine is toast
  6. "Melty the drill".
  7. Shur what would I know ha ha.
  8. Denis, will the layout be "U" shaped so now?. The continuous thing will be no more? Worth it for your back I guess Looking well, good stuff
  9. Murph, OSB board wouldn,t be the most stable of sheet material. Really only used for rough site work. Just saying..........
  10. Sheesh! I have a vague idea what my new station is going to look like, and it aint anything like that beauty. I need to buck up my ideas
  11. Hell! Imagine cutting something for free. Where would the poor ol chippies be with that carry on.
  12. What Denis!!!!???? Are you crazy, ripping up an old part of your layout, just to start over. ?? ...... Oh no, wait.........
  13. Dunno about brave. Nuts might describe it better
  14. Hi Leslie. I would like to make an expression of interest for at least 3 of the broken wheels (if I haven,t done so already) I would also be interested in a brake van if you do one, even if it is kit form. Just getting my say in
  15. Leslie, that wagon looks fantastic. Just wondering if you will be producing one with CIE roundel? (as previously mentioned, I think?). And if so, what kind of timescale would we be looking at? Ball park will do- no pressure.
  16. Site cleared.( Finally) Track ordered from Marks Models, so it should be all go now for a while. Hopefully...........
  17. Oh, something I discovered while trying to work out what track I will need for the new part of the old layout. The radii on Hornby track is anything but accurate. 438mm turned out to be closer to 447mm. 505 is actually 514mm. No wonder my old layout was all over the place. That and my approach of " drop the track on the board, connect them and you are good to go", didnt help. I know most (if not all) on here, probably use Peco track, but just a word to the wise if any newbies go with the ol Hornby.
  18. Super.
  19. EGGSactly! And now its time to SHELL out for some new track and CRACK on with the layout.
  20. Oh yes, I see that now. It would have been a fair sized blade in fairness
  21. Lovely Denis. The viaduct looks great. Didn,t realise you had such a long running area. ( Didn,t pick that up from your previous posts). Is it continuous, all the way around the room, or does it come to a stop somewhere?. Also, I spy a hacksaw blade on the shelf. My favourite bit of gear for destruction and construction alike
  22. Thanks. Each time I see it now I will just think, "Brophy"
  23. Yeah, I suppose we will have to beat the best teams along the way if we want to win the thing out, regardless of when we meet them.
  24. Broithe, how do you pronounce your user name? Is it B ROAD EH or B RIDD EH? Each time I read it I read it differently. I know, overthinking things. I just need to get it straight in my head.
  25. Denis, where did you get the "bus scoile"?. Off the shelf or did you have to do a bit of tinkering? Oh and I notice the layout title is still the same. Personally I see nothing wrong with Joehill Junction.
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