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Everything posted by derek

  1. sorry, dont know how that last post appeared. Anyway thanks for the help lads, especially that extremely one from Signalpost. Really went the extra mile to help. I think those clips could be the problem okay. When I switch the power to the main oval I have to use a little piece of wood to keep the blade fully connected ( the little black set up just before the bridge) so I think that left hand points is definitely not operating properly. I cant get near it until the weekend, but when I do will report back. Thanks for the kind words too on the scenery, although I,m not too sure myself. The bridge and tunnel facings were made of 6mm mdf, with a wood chisel used to carve out stonework. I have since discovered the joys of modelling clay and intend to replace the bridge at least. Here is another bridge on same layout from clay. Thanks again
  2. sorry here are the r/h points
  3. Yes I understand what you are asking and I can confirm that a loco will run in both directions on the "black" oval without entering the "red" section. The points are Hornby straight left and right hand points. Here are some pics (not sure if they help) First l/hpoints and then r/h. Incidentally I have the same set up at the station and have no problems. I think I may have to dig out one or both of the points in queston and replace them. sorry here are the r/h points
  4. Thanks for the replies. George, can I ask what are "baccy couplings"?. The termonology in these replies is going over my head to be honest. I just refer to my couplers as "Hornby type". The A class I have lines up with everything else I have exept for these MM carriages. Is it possible to just remove the sprung couplers on the carriages and swap for the type on the A. thanks again......
  5. Here is a pic of the full layout. Points are hornby straight points. Cant show underside as they are fixed and ballasted. Two loops with a controller for each.
  6. My Murphy Models carriages have couplings which are slightlly higher than those on my IRM A class. Although I can run them, it leads to quite a number of uncouplings. Very annoying. Can I swap out the MM cou[lers and is this a big job?. I,m sure I am not the only one to have come across this problem. Dont know if pics helpThanks in advance.
  7. Hi, just wondering if anyone can tell me what is going on with my layout? If I run a train on the black section and have a "dormant"one sitting in the red section, both trains will move although both points are switched to the black section. If I run the outer loop and sit a loco at point X, I dont have a problem. Layout is powered by cheap and cheerful Hornby analogue controllers. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  8. Thanks yet again Patrick. Will go with W/S rusty rail and weathered tie for sleepers I think
  9. thanks for that Patrick
  10. Hello all, one more question. Is Woodland Scenics Foliage the same product as W/S bushes?. Looking at Patrick,s amazing layout he mentions using W/S bushes. I have been using foliage clusters up to now to form bushes but was hoping that the W/S pack of bushes were pre formed. However looking at them on W/S site, they dont appear to be any different from foliage. Sorry for the long winded question.
  11. Hi, just wondering if anyone could recommmend a quick way to weather/ colour track and sleepers. I have quite a bit to do and I cant see myself giving half my life to painting with a fine brush as I have seen on some videos. (Apart from the potential mess, as most of my track is already in place). I have seen Woodland scenics pens but the choices are very limited- rusty rail would be fine but weathered tie is a bit light looking. I was hoping for a dark brown to look a little more like the creosote soaked sleepers of Ireland. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  12. thanks for that lads. noticed a notice on noch site stating they were having trouble with software, affecting processing orders, no other details. maybe thats the problem. might try those two other sites the guys named. thanks again
  13. is anybody on here having difficulty buying stuff from noch website? trying to buy some scenery bits, but when i try to check out, i am told something went wrong. have tried different methods of paymment to no avail
  14. Hi all. Having come to the conclusion I will probably never posess any Murphy Craven coaches, without totally breaking the bank, I have decided to get some similar carriages and repaint. What I am looking for is the ral number/code for the orange/tan and black paints used on the irm a class I have. It is 027s, cie livery. Any help would be great. Maybe Stephen/ Bosnakay might be able to throw some light on the subject. If these paints were in the Humbrol acrylic range, even better. I can only hope. Thanks, Derek.
  15. Thanks for that
  16. Jhb, do you mind telling me what colour/type of paints you used on the little arched bridge, and surrounding walls. Constructing a stone bridge at the moment and that,s the look I,m after. Thanks. Layout is amazing by the way
  17. Emailed Murphys about a possible rerun of the 141/181 and they replied saying that a rerun is in progress , DELIVERY 2023. Hopefully "sooner rather than later". Thanks to Paddy at Murphys for that. Imight have to hold on.
  18. thanks lads, rails of sheffield have a few ok- well able to charge too haha. might contact WRENNEIRE..........
  19. Hi, all. I notice that most on here have at least one of Murphy Models class 141, 181 or 071s. I, on the other hand have none. . Having come late to the party, the only Irish loco I have is an IRM A class. Inoticed last week that Adrian came on here looking for an 071 with spectacular results, so I thought I would try my luck. Anyone know where I could lay my hands on a 141, 181 or 071?. I live in hope.
  20. thanks for that. Humbrol seems to be the way to go. those droppers sound good. for the varnish question, ronseal high gloss varnish builds up quickly and can be got in a 750 ml pot. ( i,m a joiner by trade) .
  21. Hi. Just wondering what are the best type of ppaints to use for scratch built walls and bridges. Making them from modelling clay and have been using household emulsions for scratch built buildings. any advice would be apppreciated. derek
  22. I have just biught 3 Murphy Models mk2 composite coaches and 1 mk2 1st to be pulled by IRM,s Aclass loco. After two or three trips around the layout the coaches derail, despite running at snaails pace. Is anybody else having problems with these coaches?. (I am running them on large radius track) The sprung couplers seem over complicated. Wonder if they are causing problems?
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