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Everything posted by derek

  1. South Africa was a totaly different animal last night, but we got through okay. And the lineouts were atrocious earlier on. The lads got it sorted though. Great win. Aki is on fire. Just a word of caution though, I wonder would be better facing France in the quarters than All Blacks. Those New Zealand lads dont go away easily. They are always there at the business end of things. Hope I am wrong, but I am fearful.
  2. Yes, unfortunately, thats the way of it.............
  3. derek

    I'm Back

    Did I not ask the question?
  4. Beautiful wagons Noel
  5. Derekquake
  6. Oh my God!!!!! What have I done.? It better be worth it ............ From this... To this.........
  7. Especially this year. Total washout
  8. Yes, if only our Winters were longer, and not only eleven and a half months . Think of what we could get done if not for the pesky gardens.. Good to see you back at it Denis
  9. derek

    I'm Back

    Murph, where did your tread on the Rugby World Cuo go?. Or did I dream of that during a covid induced delerium?
  10. Thanks for the heads up. I will check it out.
  11. Forgot to mention. Had more or less given up on getting my hands on any bubbles ever and forever, when a thought occurred to me -"Hang on! I know a man" And lo and behold he came up trumps yet again . Man should change his name to Mr A. Laddin. . Him and that cave of his.Thanks again Dave.
  12. Glad to see you moved the layout to here Murph . Looking forward to the updates.......
  13. Covid free today. Yip f***ng ee! Ok lads, I have decided to rip up the old section of trackwork. The 1st radius curves were doing my head in. Only my 1970s class 37 and coaches would run on it so that was never going to do long term. None of the CIE stuff would be able to get to the station. This is the new track plan I am going with. The outer loop is 3rd radius (505 mm) and the inner is 2nd radius (438mm). The goods yard behind the platforms is a bit all over the place and probably never existed in real life. I was attempting to get as long a train as I could down each run of track while travelling to the engine shed at the back. Sorry if none of this is making sense. Basically, I am trying to make the longest possible "parking spaces" while letting other trains pass by. I am open to any expert suggestions here. Nothing written in stone yet. Oh, and I am looking for suggestions for a new station building. Something in stone and only one story, as it will be at the front of the layout, so I dont want to block out whats behind. Images please or even a nudge in the right direction would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Jaysus! Dunno how that came out sideways. Anybody know how to rotate it.? Anyway you get the general idea. Everything in red is staying as it is. The old inside loop did indeed turn out to be 1st radius(371mm) (I wasn,t sure before, thought it might be slightly smaller). But in digging out old boxes to store trains ahead of destruction work , I discovered this track. So Lima did have their own track geometery....360mm radius curve. And finally for now.....While deconstructing the old layout this little hamlet popped up down the other end. Looks like Patrick Davey had an hour to kill
  14. The Leeds thing is sure psychiatric- Nobody needs this much grief. Ah shur we,ll be back up next season.
  15. Well it conspiracied the hell out of me
  16. One last try...... VID_20230907_150247.mp4 And a couple of stills.. Sorry about the repetitive crap lads, but I trying to get a handle on this video lark. I am also restricted to this end of the layout as I have plans for the "old" part which this train cannot run on. More anon.
  17. Thanks Dave, not too bad now thank God, but Jesus, Mary and the little donkey!, the headaches the first couple of days were chronic. Wouldn,t wish it on anyone, but coming out the other end now hopefully
  18. Camera work is terrible. Must do better
  19. derek

    I'm Back

    Yeeesss. Now that I think of it I must PM Murph and ask him about....... Oh yeah how to play the guitar.... On another topic, I was in Jack Doyles a couple years ago after a visit to Fota. Had a very nice meal, me my wife and son. No scoops on that day but the place had a nice feel to it. Good spot when the sun goes down I,d say. Meal was delicious. Promised myself to get back again but hasn, t happened yet. It will though. And I,m a Leeds fan, since the early 70s. Like I have said on here before, I,m a glutton for punishment. Liverpool? At least its not United....
  20. And then there were bubbles VID_20230906_191234.mp4 Different angle.... VID_20230906_192135.mp4 Getting more Irish by the year
  21. derek

    I'm Back

    You better believe it. A life saver on many an occasion
  22. derek

    I'm Back

    Just stick (see what I did there?) with PVA glue Murph. It bonds everything , never fails. Or try a trade glue called Mitre Bond. Comes in two parts, glue and activator spray. Sets in 10 seconds. Have to admit I have never actually been inside the door of Nancys. Working my way around to it Your buildings are amazing by the way.
  23. I know a guy building a house, could do with you Patrick. Probably be up in about two and a half days, the rate you go
  24. Thanks Dave. Plenty of sun?. Easy for you to say. I do live in Ireland you know. Although its lovely in Limerick today.. Cheers
  25. Jaysus! I did a covid test while perusing the forum here. Came up positive. Keep ye,re fingers crossed for me. Thought it was just a cold, but no such luck. Hopefully wont be too severe............
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