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Mike 84C

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Mike 84C last won the day on August 1 2024

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Personal Information

  • Location
    Digby Lincolnshire


  • Biography
    Ex BR loco fireman at 84C Banbury also at Bescot.
    Ex HGV driver
    Ex Transport Manager(poacher turned gamekeeper)!
    Ex full time staff at Boston Lodge and volunteer driver on Festiniog Rly
    Just gone semi retired hgv driver with Moy Park Foods.


  • Interests
    Turn of century American RR Colorado Midland and Irish railways!


  • Occupation
    Semi retired poultry food distribution executive aka. HGV driver and its a big un!!!

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  1. And was'nt it heaving on Saturday! Llanfair rather pleased me! although no chance to speak with Andy, lots of punters bending his ear! I thought Trowland was rather good but again it hit it when the crowds were there! Hey ho! Nice to see Dduallt and chat with Dave and Robert Waller. The layout is 32years old now and still looks good. But I would say that would'nt I !
  2. Well lads, its been decided. Our Bantry layout is going to be broken up. SO if any of you guys have any interest in a 16x2 +4ft fiddle yd act now 'cos in 2 weeks demolition starts. All peco streamline dcc wired complete with buildings, signals t. table all ready to go! plug in legs jumper wiring . £200 and take it away. Great shame but the club needs the space. pm me or the club for more info/photos. Mike
  3. I understand this collection has been bought by one dealer and will be on the market very soon. What the collection consists of I have no idea. I will post if/when I hear more.
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  4. Just looked at the little video of No6, stunning! I have engine envy! And my swmbo, who is a train person liked No 6 even better pulling its coaches. The bar has been raised higher!
  5. From my days of buying said oils from Morris Lubricants of Shrewsbury, the stickyness/temp range is measured in centistokes and the higher the number the higher the steam temperature the oil can cope with. I believe rape oil is added to help the stickyness needed for valves and pistons. I had not thought about that subject for 25yrs! That little backhead needs some asbestos tape secured over the piping from that right hand injector not a piece of old rag!
  6. We have an AEC set at our club which runs/ran on Bantry. I found it rather fragile and have had to do repairs to one of the bogies. In fairness its construction is maybe too light for club use and the "fat finger brigade" I do feel the overall look is fine and the front/windows area is better than a cut and shut BR version. Until "another manufacturer" comes up with the goods, Silverfox it is.
  7. Hi Ben, Lots of good advice there, I like Leslie have been down the "its my last layout" route, finished up with a bowl of spaghetti in my garage! track everywhere. Totally overwhelmed me and set back running trains by a few years. So I think take small steps and grow into it. Keep it manageable is sound advise. Mick
  8. Wow, that is impressive but mad! is there nothing that some niche company will not produce ready to run? I live in greater hope of a CB&SC Baldwin 0-6-2t or maybe a D&SE 2-6-0. Both engines of very small classes.
  9. Reading all of the above comments and tributes Leslie. I wish it was in my remit and its not because I'm only a couple of years behind you! for a younger person to pick up the token you are hanging on the catcher and for Provincial Wagons to keep rolling into the future. Just a thought and I wish it could be me. Mick
  10. Hi Leslie, I'm very happy to have met and had conversations with you at the London IRRS meetings in the past. You have given your time and energy very freely to all of us with interest in Irish railways. So I say a very big thank you. Yourself and your excellent models have made modelling Irish railways so much easier. My only sadness is you seem to be joining a growing band of cottage industry suppliers who are deciding on retirement. So I say to you, get out there and enjoy retirement! Best Regards Mick
  11. Brilliant! Went there 30yrs ago! where has that time gone to! All enthusiasts should try and visit Colorado and its railways, its all rather epic!
  12. Even the Greenore hgv tractor unit is a bit special. A Dennis Maxim? of all things. Not very common UK. V8 Perkins under the floor I believe.
  13. My son is exactly the wait for it to be produced rtr rather than build a kit person. When I look at the stock on his layout I think " HOW MUCH"? Don't plead poverty to me!!
  14. Not likely that heads will roll, the British way seems to be, reward failure and incompetance. And that stock phrase of all politico's "lessons will be learnt". Be interesting to see how much vat, duty and handling fee my 800 class generates for B. HM government as they seem desparate for cash.
  15. I'm astonished at the amount of product spillage on the tank barrels. Drove an oil tanker for a number of years, both top and bottom loading and loading spillages would get you banned from oil terminals.
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