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Everything posted by scahalane

  1. I'm looking at buying a 3d printer anybody on here have any experience or advise. It needs to be able to handle a fairly large print area (300mm X 300 X 300) or there abouts. I'm thinking FDM rather than Resin but still open to suggestions.
  2. Excellent work Noel. Thought I'd add these, they clearly show the chassis at some point being red/brown, probably to protect against rust as they deteriorated in later life. I snapped these at the back of Cork Yard in 1989.
  3. Nice Job Noel. Weathering looks perfect.
  4. Looking Fab. The detail is really starting to bring it to life.
  5. Cracken photo of Kent Station.
  6. Cheers lads...order placed.
  7. magnfico!!
  8. Excellent stuff.
  9. They look great, well done.
  10. Was it the yellow hobs or older type?
  11. Thanks Noel, I think that answers my question. Its been so long sinse I last did any electrics on the layout that I had forgotten how the whole thing works, in my head I was thinking that the main power to the point motors was coming from the track bus instead of an independant power supply. (Rusty or what!!)
  12. I've been using seep point motors on my layout up to now. However I am about to add 20 new points using Cobalt Classic (Omega Analog) motors. I was wondering if I need to isolate the seep point area from the Cobalt points completely using rail insulators as I'm using a CDU unit with the Seeps. I'm not very electrical minded so any advise would be appreciated.
  13. Cheers Noel, that looks and sounds like the business. Where did you get your lights from? Thanks Murrayec, but I wouldn't know where to start on fitting one myself..electrics are not my thing.
  14. https://www.dccconcepts.com/product/kadee-231-greas-em-coupler-grease/
  15. Ya saw that as well. A bit rich alright but I'm willing to give up the warranty to have some nice shuffing sounds!!
  16. I'm looking to get a sound decoder for my OO Works J15. Whats the best way to do this? I know Wheeltappers do a chip and sound file but do I have to send my Loco to them or can I order a chip and do it myself (never hard wired a decoder chip before). Any advise would be great.
  17. I have been using the same solution (Kadee 231 dry grapite) except I don't remove the black axle cap, just squeeze some into a bottle cap and apply with a small paint brush to the back of where the wheel axel sits. I don't take any wheels or caps off and it seems to work just fine.
  18. OOOh! Christmas is comimg early. Yum! Yum!
  19. A work of art. Simply beautiful.
  20. Great job as always lads.
  21. Very nice modelling. Love the interior stone work.
  22. Thanks Fran. The colour balance in the last photo looks much better. Its never easy I guess to pick one when as Iarnrod say's there's 80 shades of orange to choose from.
  23. The CIE containers look a little too yellowish rather than orange/brown, was this its original colour?
  24. Can't wait to get these all nice and dirty!!
  25. Take a bow lads that's a stunner and one of my favourite wagons.
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