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Everything posted by scahalane

  1. That was the thinking..hope it works! I was thinking of getting a vinyl from a photoshop design printed up to replicate the platform tiling. I think that will be the easiest way..otherwise alot of masking and spay painting.
  2. I've been working on the main building for Cork Kent Station (Glanmire Rd) over the past 2 years on and off. Its a slow slog but here's a few snaps of how's she's coming together. I've used mainly card laminated with slaters brick plastikard for the walls and evergreen plastic sheets for everything else. All the windows and doors are complete but I'm waiting to paint it before inserting them. The next big hurdle will be the roof and trusses!! Still trying to figuring out what to do for that!
  3. Well worth the effort it looks great.
  4. 027s looks so good in super train livery. The Hornby lads sound like they were out on the razz all night!
  5. I hadn't seen that video before. Really looks great all round. I didn't know it had that stay alive function, can't wait!!
  6. Great job, really brings them to life.
  7. Was there a 3rd green livery as per preproduction model I mentioned yesterday that the A class carried. See pic of A29 at Glanmire Rd for reference. If so would be nice to see in any future runs. 46 preproduction.2jpg
  8. Thanks Fran for the clarification. I managed to chase down my photo's from the show I first saw it and indead it was A46 that I saw. I might just have to order an extra A now...
  9. Guy's the model looks great but the colour looks like the wrong shade of green to me. I remember seeing a preproduction version of this at one of the shows and thinking that looked spot on. ( More of an apple green tone and less minty) I know there was probably many slight variations of the green it ran in with added rail dust and grime etc... but somehow this tone looks a little cool instead of the warmer tone I feel it should be.
  10. I keep looking at the rivet details on the port hole window frames. Definitely one to keep the counters happy!!
  11. My Heart bleeds for the poor Chineese workers who had to detail that!!! Something else lads!!
  12. Regarding car transport. There's this one of Glanmire Road from the National library of Ireland O'Dea Collection. Its a screen grab so if its not approriate please delete.
  13. Stunning work. The track really makes it.
  14. Why don't you run them as anologue, far more fun.
  15. Yip and still hanging in there!
  16. Very enjoyable evening. Stunning photo's..especially of Cork (not biased). Very well presented by Leslie. Well done.
  17. Looks great, I would be interested.
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