I bought a Peco turntable kit a couple of years ago with the hope of converting it to look somewhere in the ballpark of the turntable that was at Kent station Cork. Its very over scaled and a bit toy like but a good starting base for a bit of kit bashing.
The Kit!
The support girders are the wrong shape so required a bit of chop and paiste.
The turnatable well is far too deep so required building up the base. I also had to swop the over size wheels for something closer to the correct scale.
I used card to build up the levels, and some old hornby set tract for the runner rails.
Plastic card was used to create a sharper edge and pilliput to fill the gaps
Fine modelling plaster was used to build up the levels and create a solid base.
Evergreen angle and tube were used to create the hand rails.
Fine ballast added.
In situe in the next stage of my layout.
A bit of weathering.