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Everything posted by scahalane

  1. Wow! The flats look something else, especially with the bell sitting on top.
  2. Suburb bit of craftsmanship.. well done.
  3. Spotted this old dear while passing through Rathcormac at the weekend.
  4. Thanks for the heads up George, I managed to catch it in Midleton.
  5. Happy accidents are great, that worked out really well for you. Great job well done.
  6. Looking good Eamonn, you got the right tones to it. I think the weathering powder might be a little too much but the washes look spot on.
  7. That's looking great. I picked up one of those vans last week at the Cork show, might just copy that.
  8. Lovely modelling and paint work, well done.
  9. Nice shots.. In the second image there's a similar structure at the Cork depot does anybody know if this is for refueling or something else? (perhaps a fire hydrant or something!)
  10. Nice paint job, the orange looks spot on.
  11. Always great to see progress on this layout. My only critique would be to perhaps add a raised embankment to the left side of the tunnel so the cliff face doesn't appear too flat or maybe bringing the lower part of the cliff out slightly by the tunnel mouth.
  12. Excellent detail, well done lads.
  13. Great job, nice detail with the cables.
  14. Nice clean build, well done.
  15. That's some sweat shop you've got going. The MIR white metal flats look great alot more solid than their resin ones.
  16. Top draw as always, well done.
  17. I know not the best angle but maybe thers's some useful info in it. Its basically a cylinder with a bar across, nothing too complicated.
  18. Great job, love that slight green tinge in the ballast just like the real stuff.
  19. I took photo's of them 2 weeks ago and its very difficult to get a good shot. There's a cemetery running parallel to the line and if you scale the wall at the bottom corner you can get detail shots of the top of the cements. If you want to get a side view there's a field opposite with some horses but gaining access to it requires being a very skinny bugger squeezing through a broken post in a palisades fence. Failing that if you have a very good zoom lense (300mm - 500mm) you can get them from the road. Or if you could get access to the bus depot you'd get some great shots from there.
  20. Nice bit of weathering Nelson, well done.
  21. Great job Kirley.
  22. Interesting, I don't remember seeing any of them like that before. I wonder if it ever went into service.
  23. If you check out my workbench I used plastic card to increase the width of the y25 bogie's when building my bulk cements and brass cradles to help where the wheels connect. I'm not sure what you might do for the likes of a 20' wagon. http://irishrailwaymodeller.com/showthread.php/65-scahalane-s-Workbench
  24. Looking good Dave. I agree with you on using card instead of filler...a much cleaner job.
  25. Great shots, always loved this layout.
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