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Everything posted by scahalane

  1. Excellent, didn't realise plastic was easier than resin casting. Love the DIY vacuum chamber, how did you build it?
  2. Looking nice and sharp Des.
  3. Good comparisons and very helpful, thank you. I bought a Noch grass master last year and it hasn't been out of the box yet, hopefully this will be the catalyst to get me started! Keep the example coming.
  4. Brilliant tutorial, thanks for sharing.
  5. Great job on the shed Rich. Coming together nicely.
  6. Couldn't make the show due to work commitments, anybody got any photo's of the weekend??
  7. I had planned to scratch build these at some stage but being realistic I know that will be a long time in the waiting so just placed an order for 3 sets.. Don't tell the Mrs!!!
  8. Excellent weathering work, makes me which I bought some when they were still floating about.
  9. This is fantastic news lads, I wish ye the best of luck with the new venture and I'm sure its going to be a roaring sucess.
  10. Well done on getting it finished a really fantastic job, I can't wait to see it at the various shows.
  11. Great job, is it scratch built or kit?
  12. Love this layout Patrick. Great pic's Richie.
  13. Brilliant stuff, thanks for sharing.
  14. You must be delighted with them they look fantatic. Credit to George and his eye for detail.
  15. There's a section on the Rail Freight Today dvd on it. Here's a few screen grabs from it. Hope they help.
  16. Superb modeling and weathering, well done.
  17. Very impressive looking models.
  18. Great job very professional.
  19. Great to see some overview shots of the layout. Looks excellent.
  20. Pristine build and finish, well done.
  21. The scenery looks really lush.
  22. Here's a couple of shots from a great day chasing 85 & 461 in Cork yesterday.
  23. Great Job, well done.
  24. Superb as always.
  25. Your moving along at a ferocious pace and it looks excellent. Can't wait to see it with all its greenery in place.
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