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Everything posted by scahalane

  1. Very well put together, great job!
  2. Lovely looking addition. Hours of shunting fun there!
  3. The quality of your work is only sublime. Keep them coming.
  4. That's suburb looking Richie, How much more finished could it possibly get!!
  5. Sounds good, just ordered one!
  6. Fantastic bit of scratch building, and very nice weathering, well done.
  7. Its really shaping up now and looking amazing. The HQ building is a stunner!
  8. Time to buy shares in copper and zinc lads I feel these markets are about to spike!!! All I can say is WOW!!! a super looking job!
  9. Thanks, it seems to work really well.
  10. Top drawer stuff as usual Richie. What thickness styrene overlay did you use?
  11. Wow!!! words fail....just an amazing build and excellently painted as well. ( Richie update your workbench please we want to see lots more!!!)
  12. Excellent detail, looking forward to seeing it painted.
  13. Nice recreation, love it.
  14. Welcome to the site Noel, its a great looking layout, I'm looking forward to see it progress.
  15. Excellent attention to detail, looks great, well done John.
  16. Lovely job Des, I look forward to getting one.
  17. Nice little layout Eamonn, well done!
  18. CIE's own containers would have been the most popular on the network, that would be my choice!
  19. Have to agree it was a little over flamboyant to begin with so maybe Graham Norton?
  20. Wow!! that looks great.
  21. Great bit of modelling well done!
  22. Thanks guys for all the kind remarks its much appreciated. I haven't ventured up into the attic since April due to work commitments and an adverse reaction to slogging it out in a dark roof space while the sun shines outside. As Autumn approaches I hope to rectify that in the mean time here's a few shots I took with my phone cam last April, sorry about the quality. When last up there I got a start into building up the landscape with a cliff face embankments and cuttings. I used blue foam for the cliff face shaping it with a knife and building up the colour with layers of paint washes. I followed this guys tutorial on how to do it and after a bit of trial and error I was quite pleased with the results. Check out his video here: http://model-railroad-hobbyist.com/node/9227 The embankments are just plaster bandages painted at the moment but eventually they'll have a good coverage of static grass.
  23. Fantastic detail! well done!
  24. Great news you managed to get the weight down on the ammonia's, sounds like a good solution as well!
  25. She's a beauty Richie, credit to you!!
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