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Everything posted by scahalane

  1. Looking excellent Kirley.
  2. Super stuff, I'm really admiring that track.
  3. Those lights look excellent, something more to add to my xmas wish list!
  4. You might be better off Analogue on the points as controlling the locos are effort enough without having to route set on the console as well Expecially given all the points you have. You can have your mini CTC on a panel. Loking forward to the ammonia being routed up into the cobh Platforms by mistake!!! That was my feeling as well. It will be a while though before the cobh platform is operational and as far as my ammonia's are concerned they still need couplings!!
  5. I have good memories of this loco. The first time I saw one was at Cobh Junction sometime in '87 as a student traveling up and down to Cobh. She had replaced the regular a class and cravens, and I thought to myself what was this noisy beast maroon and cream chucking towards me. She continuously sounded as if on the point of breakdown, but had lovely heated vents for your feet which was a blessing on a cold winters morning. A couple of years later I again came acquainted with her as a regular passenger while living in Belfast and working in Lurgan. She was fairly robust and survived many a good stoning on the way into Lurgan. You have captured the look and feel of her very well, and although very much on the long finger I hope to build one myself someday!
  6. The more I look the more confused I'm getting. I think I'll stick with my analogue point system and select controller for a while yet.
  7. I made a slight mistake on my earlier post when I said my controller was a Hornby Elite, its in fact the more basic Select controller. I've being looking at the hornby elink and railmasters combination pack and it looks very interesting and not too expensive. A few issues I have however; I wonder can this work with the Select so I can override the control from the computer and also now that I've started wiring for manual control of the points, is it possible to control my points using both the dcc railmasters system and my analogue switches (which call me old fashioned I think I'd prefer.)
  8. That's unavoidable I'm afraid:cheers:
  9. Oopps!! Sorry about that, missed the button at the end, its been resent now. I suggest you design that confirmation link a bit bigger as I'm used to the whole process being confirmed in Paypal. Looking forward to the punch & die, I saw it at the model fair in Cork and was kicking myself I didn't buy it then.
  10. Any Rail is what I use and its simple and great. You can download the free version which will give you up to 100 pieces of track to work with. You could use this and design your layout in sections or buy the full version for €39 http://www.anyrail.com/
  11. Impressive detail, spot on!
  12. Just did an impulse buy on the round punch & die set, couldn't help myself!!
  13. I know, wiring's not my thing! Hopefully the finished panel will look a lot smarter.
  14. Whens my invite for a cup of tea then!! Any time you want George, your welcome. Bring along a sound chipped 071 if you have one!!
  15. Thanks for the kind comments. At the moment I've only got a bog standard Hornby elite controller any advise on what I should upgrade to. I'm thinking about the Prodigy Advance wireless.
  16. Lovely addition, particularly like that retaining wall!
  17. Sorry I haven't updated this in a while. Here's a few snaps of how she's coming together. I've had to go into an apprenticeship in wiring over the last couple of weeks to get my head around wiring this baby, but I'm happy to report I've got my head around it now and the cement section is fully operational with working points!! Bad hair day!! My Make shift control panel till I build a proper one! Hidden access under the engine shed. Hope you like!!
  18. Lovely job on the bus.
  19. Your making good steady progress, thanks to the update.
  20. Great job.
  21. Nice and dirty! great job
  22. Those night shots look fantastic.
  23. I love the view looking into the station with the gantry on the left, it looks very spacious.
  24. Great show yesterday George, well done. My own wallet took a fair old battering as well, but all for a good cause!! Lima Mk3 combi pack - €75 A pair of cravens - €25 each A bunch of signals and level crossing from Des. A glue applicator from RB productions looks like a handy yoke for applying glue with precision. Got a bunch of unboxed Oxford diecast 1:76 cars for a €1 each. There was a nice punch and die set for €70 that I wish I got but a lass ran the bank dry!! It was nice to catch up with a few of the site members Paul, Tom and Des as well. I'm already saving for next year!!!
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