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Everything posted by scahalane

  1. very realistic, love the painted backdrop effect as well.
  2. excellent tutorial and finish, well done.
  3. sorry, no idea, I was in a rush and didn't stick around to ask.
  4. Spotted this the other day in Midleton doing a delivery to the coop. Nice to see it still kicking around.
  5. nice collection, a little bit of weathering and some natural daylight shots really make these babies sing!!
  6. A very prototypical Irish scene executed to perfection, well done and thanks for sharing.
  7. I haven't had acess to a computer for the last couple of days while on my hols, but what a treat to log on and find all this eye candy. Truely inspirational work well done sir.
  8. This Cork girder bridge is ballasted so maybe that's an idea, its what I intend to do anyway.
  9. Cheers Anthony I'll give it a go.
  10. When you say plaster of paris, do you mean you scribed into the plaster or did you use a mold to cast.
  11. Great addition, it looks fantastic. What did you use for the stone work, I'm looking for something similar myself?
  12. clean and sharp, very nice scratch building, well done!
  13. excellent work, well done.
  14. Ahhhhhhhh!!!! missed it again. Is it stabled in Mallow tonight. Might see if I can catch it in the morning. Nice shots by the way.
  15. Fantastic stuff! love that Arrow as well.
  16. Great job, SSM's detailing kit really does lift this model.
  17. Any idea when the weed sprayer is likely to be in Cork.
  18. Amazing work. So rich and full of texture. How did you do the rocks they look spot on.
  19. All the brass etched parts except the corner castings were from bits and bobs I had lying around, a lot of the stuff I use comes from http://www.scalelink.co.uk a great resource for brass mesh etc. And yes she will be getting a fair bashing from the old weathering stick.
  20. I had a rake of MIR ammonia's and 2 barrier wagons I'd been meaning to build for quiet a while so finally got around to it. These wagons bring back some happy memories of the real thing thundering past my parents house in Glounthaune. I have to say Ian (MIR) did a fantastic job capturing the look and feel of them and the tankers required very little extra work. I just added a little c-channel to the back of each side similar to the real thing. The barrier wagon however required a little bit more work, the tank was a little too long and had to be shortened a bit. I also scratch built the protective cage as the brass assembly supplied was a bit flat and inaccurate. The decals were a bit on the over sized so I got Des (studio scale models) to make some up for me, and he did a great job. All that's left is some weathering and a proper engine for my a-class as the lima one has neigh chance of moving this lot, hope you like.
  21. I'd imagine what their referring to is the wheel and track gauge which is HO regardless. All off the shelf track sold as OO scale is in fact HO scale and only the body shell of the locomotive is HO or OO.
  22. excellent job well done.
  23. Hi Leslie, Kits would suit me better. Best of luck on what ever wagons you release.
  24. Does anybody know what's the schedule for the weed sprayer, in particular I was wondering when it would be down Cork way??
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