Well I finally sorted out my attic space and got a start on my new layout. Its taken a bit longer than I thought, a new fold out stairs put in, the water tank moved to the back of the attic, proper insulation put in and foil reflectors, floored the space and have fixed the layout base boards between the trusses, so now we're ready to rock and roll.
After playing around with the free version of anyrail, I decided to buy the software. Its a great little package for designing layouts and its easy to get up to speed with it fairly quickly. My layout is based loosely on Cork station taken up an era somewhere between '75 to '95 which should give me plenty of leeway to run plenty of stock. As space was a major issue I have designed the layout as a loop incorporating all the major parts of the station, goods yard and approach's. I've bought half the track I need (Peco code 75) to allow me to start building the goods yard side of the loop. Its going to be DCC which poses a huge learning curb for me as its my first layout build since I was but a wee lad so expect plenty of questions for the experts out there particularly on track laying.