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Everything posted by scahalane

  1. Fantastic layout Patrick, I didn't realise how big it was till I saw the video. You've really captured a snippet of Irish landscape there.
  2. I can't believe I missed it again, will it be doing the cobh line tomorrow or has that been done as well? Is it parked up in Kent for the night?
  3. Nice bit of detail. I likes a nice bit of shrubbery, so I do!!
  4. I have to say John that looks very smart and there's a real sense of weight about it as well.
  5. I love how this layout is coming together, great character details on the stock, keep them coming.
  6. That etch template detail looks sweet John, I like the thread plate detail.
  7. Now that's a great idea! Des.....over to you!
  8. The whole layout just looks amazing, you have some amount of stock, love it.
  9. Wow, the layout looks suburb. The station is a work of art. Love that A-class as well lovely detail on it. The bubbles look great but I think they need one last light dusting of the airbrush to knock back the cream patches as there a bit over powering. Well done keep the images coming.
  10. They turned out excellent, great job.
  11. Ah George how can you possibly leave, what will happen to all the characters and their illustrious aromas!!! Best of luck in the new job.
  12. Oh they look stunning, did you use a plasticard C Channel for where the tank meets the main frame?
  13. Lovely shots Eamonn. Des's detailing kit really does add heaps to the model. A small bit of weathering and she'll be spot on.
  14. Stunning line up!! I always have a soft spot for the A's.
  15. Very nice
  16. Great win for Ireland and a great spectacle all round, I know it was Bod's last international play but I think Trimble had the game of his life!!
  17. Is there anywhere safe for the Mk3's these days, looking well.
  18. God bless your eye sight and nimble fingers, mighty job!
  19. They look mighty tasty Des. I can't wait to get a few of those flats. I already have a rake of ammonia's but you never know might be persuaded to invest in a second lot..
  20. So that's where I went wrong, tried this a few years back and ended up with a brancusian type sculpture! Nice tutorial, thanks.
  21. Nice looking kit well done.
  22. That's a novel idea and a lovely bit of wood turning.
  23. Looking class Tom, well done.
  24. Nice to see you back, excellent vids, the weathering on 071 is some of the best I've seen, well done.
  25. Its all worked out on paper first using photo's, Google earth, and autocad. It would be very difficult to get the scale right on the fly.
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