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Everything posted by scahalane

  1. Fantastic build there popeye! The cast of the underframe looks very clean which is no easy job, I know I've tried it myself. I would be interested to know how you made the mould, was it in 2 parts or 3?
  2. Fantastic weathering on the bubbles.
  3. Excellent news Des, Christmas is coming early!!
  4. Impressive stats, well done.
  5. Excellent work George! That ballast rake looks the business. Would love to get my hands on one of those orange double deckers as well!!
  6. Excellent work, nice to see them all together.
  7. Great shots and a lovely looking layout.
  8. I don't know about that...I've had a few off days on the golf coarse where a hammer would have come in very handy!!
  9. Hard to replicate that kind of authentic weathering all right. I love the per way giant hammer!
  10. Lovely looking job.
  11. Great job, looking forward to seeing her painted up.
  12. You'd need the patience of a saint for that kind of work. Always nice to see though.
  13. Always great to see this layout in action, the 60's - 70's is a great era to model.
  14. Excellent start I'm looking forward to seeing how it progresses.
  15. Some great stuff going on all right, that 121 looks the job!
  16. That's a fantastic job on a challenging build.
  17. Super job, great idea to represent the felt roof.
  18. You did a great job on the roof and tower, really makes that whole area sing, excellent progress, I'm looking forward to seeing more.
  19. Very nice! the 21mm P4 really makes all the difference when it comes to looking like the real thing. I'm looking forward to see how it progresses.
  20. Great job, it looks really well weathered up.
  21. Lovely job on the c-class, well done.
  22. I think this will be the layout of all layouts when its finished....at long last you've thrown your hat in the ring (at least in terms of layouts) and I for one can't wait to see the results. In particular I'm looking forward to the bascule bridge model, an iconic piece of engineering that's crying out to be modelled. In terms of marine modelling how about a chain bucket dredger for something a bit different.
  23. Those tanks look amazing! I can't wait to see the complete weed train.
  24. Thanks for sharing the drawing. The model looks excellent.
  25. Can't wait to see this progress, you've done a great job reducing it down.
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