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Everything posted by scahalane

  1. You did a fine job on the paint work, well done.
  2. After a short recess to pick ones jaw off the ground the jury has come back with a unanimous decision of WOW!! spot on.
  3. Excellent stuff, really looking forward to this one as Glounthaune (Cobh Junction) was the station I used every day going to school as young lad. Are you going for any particular era as the station's out buildings facing the platform went though a number of changes in the early 90's, also the cast iron water tower survived up till the mid 80's.
  4. Nice clean work on the 071, all the extra detail you added really adds to it.
  5. Nice selection of photo's, particularly love the ammonia train at Cork, thanks for sharing.
  6. Beautiful job.
  7. absolutely amazing! Have you any plans to take it to any of the shows?
  8. Nice detailing on the barrier's Kirley, love that a-class as well.
  9. Looking great, love the weathering work on the GM's they really bring the scene to life. A bit of weathering on the track and you'll be set.
  10. Excellent job so far Eamonn.
  11. I've left mine static but I suppose anything is possible. Fiddly work though!
  12. Thanks Des, I used plastic colour gels instead of the decals for the lenses, a bit of delicate cutting involved but they came out ok. No problem if you want to use them on the web site.
  13. I didn't get as much work done on the layout over the holidays as I hoped, but I managed to get a couple of signals from studio scale models finished. There a really nice kit and full credit to Des for producing them. I tried to glue them to begin with but the glue didn't seem to like the brass too much so I ended up soldering them. Its the first kit that I've soldered together and after a small bit of trial and error and some choice words I got the hang of it. I'll be definitely getting some more of these.
  14. Great to see it going ahead this year.
  15. Nice photo's thanks for sharing.
  16. Thanks John, great info. I would be very interested in seeing that drawing if you could manage to scan it.
  17. There seems to be at least 3 variations of the CIE 26695-26772 series CIE-Burmah tank wagon that I can see. The tank in the first image is shorter than the 20' wagon base with 12 support brackets where as the tank in the second image seems to be the full length of the 20' wagon with 13 support brackets. The tank in the 3rd image is similar in length to the 1st but with a different support cradle. Would anyone have any drawings of these wagons? Not sure where I got these images from so I hope the photographer doesn't mind me using them.
  18. Happy Christmas Y'aull!
  19. Good job Eamonn
  20. Wow wow we wow!! that looks amazing you really have to keep reminding yourself this is N gauge. Can you tell us about your building process I'd love to know more.
  21. Thanks Dave for the offer but I've all ready ordered 50 Led's off ebay so I'll see how they pan out first. DiveController: I'm running DCC but my points are on a separate analogue system so I'd imagine I'd run the lights of a third power supply of what ever voltage suits.
  22. Many happy returns Anto, Lovely compilation. Nice touch with the smoke simulation.
  23. Top class work Kieran, The roof detail is excellent. I love the variance on the livery as well.
  24. Happy Birthday Richie!
  25. Thanks Kevrail: I just ordered some of those LED's from the ebay link from that post, good prices too!
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