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Everything posted by Arran

  1. HI All I have B+I blue as RAL 5002 Regards Arran
  2. thats a Hong Kong outfit i think. Regards Arran
  3. HI All The 45 ft containers will most likely be 2500 wide if a dry box and 2550 if reefers going by the info i have . ive never tried the a wide box in one . Regards Arran
  4. Im still going to add logos to some of the Transamerica tanks , but ive yet to see a good pic of a bell tank
  5. HI All The first shots of the new tanks came the other day , so its report back time and do the art next. Regards Arran LL
  6. HI All Just in Stock on the N Gauge front from C Rail are our N Gauge Bells Regards Arran
  7. HI All The tank cads are all but complete , the tank has stainless steel walkways with two initial designs But this can be added to when required . Now onto the artwork for the first batch. Regards arran
  8. HI All I've been busy again keeping the range updated and we are now nearly there with the cads for a new 20ft tank of a modern design . This will replace the old model which is now 17 years old and has served me well , the new tank will have etched stainless steel walkways and ladders with hatch covers if required although thats still to be figured out id thets a plastic part or not , i think for the sake of looks it would be better as an etch to match the walkways. Regards arran
  9. 1155.BMPthese boxes were at Stockton's place in Stranraer in 88, i dont have any more pics as pushing the shutter button back then cost cash . They seem to be coded BELU which i think was BELL
  10. HI All It's nice to see them in context in a yard . If only i could go back in time with a digital camera!!!! every press of the shutter button cost cash back then . Regards Arran
  11. HI ALL We are the C44 right enough and in the same place as usual . We also have a selection of HO and N Scale 1/60 containers as well . Regards Arran
  12. Looks like they will all be half pissed trying to clear all that up
  13. I Did the MSC and will again , the CMA CGM ive not so far But i have all the info . seeing those pics of Dapols reminds me why they cant count ribs !!!!! unless they found the only one with 21 , same mistakes apply to the std 40 ft . Regards Arran
  14. Leave it with me i will look myself when im down this week . How many are you after ? Regards Arran
  15. contact Charlie at DC kits i know he has some . Regards Arran
  16. HI All Yes I will ne doing that and on the correct container . Regards Arran
  17. Who ME ? The Manchester liners like that were 70s till their demise in the 80s /90s . Believe it or not that one was bagged in Leeds just a few years back . Anyway I'm getting the van packed for Warley this weekend Stand B31 i think we are , so if your wanting some boxes or just some general abuse "thats Free" pop by Regards Arran
  18. HI All the containers are now in stock Regards Arran
  19. HI All They were just leasing companies and who knows what happened to them . Not sure about the Safeway traffic but never say never, the only Safeway branded were the reefers they used, it was colourful while it lasted . Regards Arran
  20. HI All You get MSC brown with the sand and or a Black logo . If you notice the brown are registered the GLDU which is GOLD just branded MSC . Here endith the lesson Regards Arran n
  21. HI All Manchester liners went bust in 1985 and their routs taken over by OOCL i think so logically mid to early 90s for the containers becoming extinct . The MSC brown with the sand MSC have been around a while so last 10 years i think. ICL have been about a good while and that container ive done was made in April 2015 . Regards Arran
  22. HI All The next OO containers almost ready to go into production. first is Manchester lines 20ft x 8'6" so thats early 80s onwards . Then we have two more 40ft hc bryboxs in Brown MSC as these are becoming more common and ICL which have been getting requested quite a bit. Regards Arran
  23. TH dapol ones look like they have been printed with an Inkjet !!!!! Could have got the main logo in the middle as well !!! But they are 50p cheaper than mine " a bargain they are Not" Regards Arran
  24. HI All S Stolts all but sold out so unless i have a warehouse find !!! I suppose i could do a spider tank version. Regards Arran
  25. The curtain siders were 8ft6" so they could go anywhere like Up to Inverness and Aberdeen , Tesco also have that height in ribbed containers, the 8ft9" were Malcolm 45ft for the Aberdeen run . I will hunt out some pics when im home
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