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Everything posted by StevieB

  1. Just to return to the car for a moment, my first motor was the Ford Angela, and it most definitely isn't that. No, it is the Ford Popular 100E. Stephen
  2. Weshty I've seen your review of the same book on Amazon - must get a copy. Stephen
  3. StevieB

    DART Underground

    There are two interesting news items currently in Irish Railway News: IR pushing to begin DART Underground, including an airport link, when the next review of capital spending come along, and A new draft transport plan for the Dublin area, which doesn't specifically mention progressing DART Underground, rather the interim measure of re-opening the Phoenix Park tunnel line to passenger traffic. You would hope that different arms of government sing from the same hymn sheet! Stephen
  4. In the period 1951-1959 CIE embarked on a coach building programme and, according to Irish Railfans' News, all were mounted on 61' 6" undereframes apart from the first batch of CK, which were to the GSR design mounted on 60' 0" underframes. The second and third batches of CK changed the seating from 32S/18F to 24S/23F, which meant that they were longer and this is where the 61' 6" underframe makes its first appearance. At the same time, three batches of SK were built and, in the belief that they were also to the GSR design, would have been mounted on the 60' 0" underframe. New design SO and BSO were also built and, from photographic evidence, would have also been mounted on the 60' 0" underframe. Can anyone confirm this, please? Many thanks. Stephen
  5. A supplementary question - were the conversions of 1509, 1518 and 1520 done in the same way ie can the body of 1508 be used for the other three? Many thanks. Stephen
  6. I have one of each of the panelled LMSR corridor coaches as originally produced by Mainline Railways, if anyone is interested for repainting in the CIE 1950s green livery - £55 the pair incl P&P. I also have a pair of the non corridor coaches as originally produced by Airfix, again if anyone is interested for the same purpose - £55 the pair incl P&P, £105 the four including P&P. Stephen
  7. Hi guys Thanks for the information. Mark, the train service I was referring to was that which would have run via Youghal and Dungarvan if only the aspirations of the Cork & Waterford Railway had come to be in the mid to late 1860s. Then there would have been no need for the lovely from Mallow to Waterford. As it was, lines were built only from Cork to Youghal and Waterford to Tramore, but in my imagination the intervening length was built at a later date. I'd better start posting something in the layout section. Stephen
  8. Murphy Models produced a version of their Cravens coach as buffet car 1508 in IR/IE livery. I have a couple of questions to those of you in the know: Did 1508 appear in its buffet car guise wearing the original CIE livery? Were there any other buffet car conversions at the same time wearing the original CIE livery? I need to know so that I can plan for the passengers in the twice daily boat trains that ran between Cork and Rosslare via the Cork to Waterford direct line via Youghal and Dungarvan. Many thanks. Stephen
  9. I have two Cravens in IR/IE livery surplus to requirements, MM1521 and MM1523, £35 each incl P&P, £65 the pair incl P&P. Stephen
  10. Thanks to all those who helped in my quest re photos. And now one more request for help. I have a signalling diagram for the original box when it was situated at the Athlone end of the down platform, IRRS Journal 163 Mayo Line Modernisation. However, the box was destroyed in 1922 and subsequently rebuilt at the Westport end of the down platform. There were track and signalling alterations in 1937. so does anyone have, or know the whereabouts of, a signalling diagram for the second box, please? Stephen
  11. I found a short piece in the Irish section of rmweb.co.uk which you may find useful re n gauge modelling of the Irish prototype. Stephen
  12. I thought that the description of the shortcomings with the IFM bagged cement wagon was very well put - surely no-one can find fault with this? Stephen
  13. To date, my quest for photos of Manulla Junction pre re-opening has produced five: Lawrence Marshall (undated) Branch Line Album HC Casserley (1955) Irish Railways in Pictures MGWR & Irish Railways in the Heyday of Steam NJ McAdams (1960) Journal of IRRS June 1977 Barry Carse (1975) Rails Through The West Anon (1985) Wikipeda Has anyone got details of who holds the copyright of these photos so that I can get copies and also explore whether they have any more of interest. Also, has anyone come across a book called Railway Stations in County Mayo:| Claremorris, Manulla Junction, Foxford and Ballyhaunis, published by LLC Books in 2010? Stephen
  14. Referring back to my original question, I have obviously mistaken a 20' container on a 4w flat for a Uniload container, but these photos show that you can only get two Uniloads on a 20' flat. not one. The fixings don't allow for it. Stephen
  15. Thanks for that. It never fails to amaze me how much information there is out there, and all you have to do is ask. Stephen
  16. Right, that's one misconception out of the window. So, what's the 20' container that is part of the spray train consist, just a 20' container? When the spray wagons were on their 4w underframes, there were also three 20' containers on 4w underframes, as modelled by IFM. Stephen
  17. One of the first things to happen as a result of the implementation of the Rail Development Plan by CIE was the introduction of 10' and 20' Uniload containers, presumably for the remaining sundries traffic. I have a number of photos of them in the consist of the Youghal branch freight in the 1970s. Now would they have been the 10' or 20' variety? Irish Freight Models produce both versions, a pair 10's on a 42' 9'' container flat and the 20' on a 20' underframe. Did the 10' variety run singly and on what underframe? Stephen
  18. StevieB

    Swap Records

    It was very disconcerting to find that the thread had just disappeared - a bit like my freeview box which periodically dumps everything recorded without a word of explanation. I agree that things were getting a little out of hand but just a word from admin would have been nice - stops us thinking we're going mad. Stephen
  19. An AEC has definitely got my vote. Stephen
  20. As is quite often the case, the discussion has veered some way off the original topic of using a 141 as the basis of a 121. Stephen
  21. As is quite often the case, the discussion has veered some way off the original topic of using a 141 as the basis of a 121. Stephen
  22. Locos have been cleared to go all the way to Sligo again. Stephen
  23. A number of years ago I had the pleasure of seeing Adavoyle in the flesh at its then home above Tony's garage in Shropshire. What a pleasure it was. Irish P4 modelling before P4 had been established. Stephen
  24. Dave I agree that that isn't a pocket money price but that's what happens when the market is so small. Taking Richie's point, how do you feel about the weedspray wagons? Are they worth the money? Stephen
  25. Is the review in New Irish Lines wrong in being complimentary towards the new range of MISR models? I have no direct experience yet of either the IFM or MISR ranges, so have any of the detractors taken up their grievances with either of these manufacturers, or are they just using this site to winge 'cos they can't get finescale models at pocket money prices? Try it yourself and see how you get on. Stephen
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