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Everything posted by StevieB

  1. Are you sure about the second freight terminating at Bantry, wasn’t it Drimoleague? Stephen
  2. Two possible sources of coach for conversion are the old Graham Farish corridor third and the Hornby Maunsell low window corridor third. The former is much cheaper but the tops of the corridor windows needs lowering. Stephen
  3. I knew that Silver Fix did the 600 and 700 class railcars but not the 900. That explains it. Nice one. Stephen
  4. Are the U and UG going to be for sale or will you be keeping them? Stephen
  5. StevieB

    Irm wagons

    The ebay price is some 60% greater than the IRM price, say no more. Stephen
  6. StevieB

    Irm wagons

    Totally agree with you. Stephen
  7. It has always baffled me how differently countries tackle the same problem, whether on our roads or railways. Propelling trains is a no no over in the UK, whereas it is par for the course in Ireland. Stephen
  8. I have three Murphy Models GM’s for sale, namely 088 in as delivered livery, namely GM’s interpretation of CIE’s super train livery, and B165 in Black and Tan livery, two examples. They come complete with boxes and all the add on accessories. I am looking for £200 for 088 and £150 for each of B165, a 5% discount for purchasing two or a 10% discount for purchasing all three. 088 sold
  9. Both EM and 21mm are very much minority scales so a society taking the financial risk of providing RTR track is surely the only way forward. Stephen
  10. I prefer to keep the track at 21mm and make the standards fit that. Anything else means you aren’t modelling 5’ 3”. I like the OO gauge standards. Stephen
  11. I think that we’re missing a trick here in that RTR EM gauge track, both plain and points, is already available from Peco, albeit via the EM gauge society only. Is there a case for a 21mm gauge society, TOM gauge for short, offering both finescale and P4 standards, to do the same? Stephen
  12. I had the pleasure of seeing it at Tony’s home many years ago along with other members of the old Worcester Circle. A truly memorable day but no photos!!? Stephen
  13. I don’t understand why this is because I’ve had recent purchases sent to me in the UK. There must be a bug somewhere. Stephen
  14. IFM did indeed produce both Park Royal’s and laminates (SO & BSO). I tried to persuade Tom to do CIE’s version of the Park Royals, basically the Park Royal bodyshell with the laminate door and toilet at either end but to no avail. Such a shame but then the amount of work for the return was probably the killer. Stephen
  15. StevieB

    West Clare

    There is a story that IOMR tried to buy the four railcars and three diesel locos from CIE to go with the two CDRJC railcars so as to modernise the Manx railway system. What a thought. Stephen
  16. Interesting how steam lingered on in Ireland after its official abolition whereas it was a clean break in the UK, save for Flying Scotsman’s contract with BR. Stephen
  17. There are only a few snow scene layouts but they are all very effective. Stephen
  18. Works fine on my iPad. Looking forward to being able to buy some in the near future. See my PM. Stephen
  19. I have 088 looking for a new home. It is the in as delivered livery, namely GM’s interpretation of CIE’s super train livery. PM me if interested. Stephen
  20. Another alternative would be the CB&SCR, assuming it stayed open to deal with the oil discovered offshore thereabouts. We could go on. Stephen
  21. The other layout to look at is Noel’s Gort, small but with plenty of operational activity. Stephen
  22. Some lovely work there Paul. I actually find this aspect of modelling more interesting than actual modelling itself, letting the imagination have free rein. My particular interest is the unbuilt Cork & Waterford Railway that would have run through Youghal, Dungarvan and Tramore. I have produced timetables for what might have happened at Youghal, Youghal Junction (if the line hadn’t actually run through Youghal) and Waterford South. One day I’ll put it all together into a model of one of these. Stephen
  23. StevieB

    G S R

    Correct me if I’ve got it wrong but most of the railways had agreed to form the Great Southern Railway but political interference…… Stephen
  24. Anyone who has worked in the public sectors knows that money is the major constraint for both new works and maintenance. It is, after all, our money being spent, not governments, they only have it because of the tax they take off us. With the benefit of hindsight, and don’t we all have that in abundance, everything would be built so that it never needed to be improved, only replaced when life expired but then it always surprises me that the general public don’t understand the concept of a working life, everything just goes on forever. Rant over. Stephen
  25. Hi John How much are the covered vans, please? Stephen
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