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Everything posted by Wexford70

  1. It's interesting if you look at the level crossings of the Waterford to Rosslare line on google street view, shoes them in place on the gates but took a spin out this evening and all are gone now. I wonder what happened to them?
  2. Hi guys, I received an early birthday present! I was given a level crossing lamp including burner, and bracket, all in relatively good condition. It has come with a blue lens which I presume was not the original. and was a replacement by a previous owner. Does anyone know where I can source a replacement lens? I presume they were always red? Advice on fitting it would also be appreciated. Was a standard linseed putty used? The lamp is almost identical to this one on the Wonderer's photo.except in red. It has the same two air slits
  3. Really stunning! Great work.
  4. Wow, perfection
  5. Looks excellent! Is the IR logo on the side a little high?
  6. Phew, Because we now expect perfection! You have set the bar so high. The head lamp is a little damaged too.
  7. Looks great. Was there a small problem with the masking for the yellow paint?
  8. Will the inside be plastic as shown in the pics or some other sort of lining?
  9. From Auckland NZ??? How and why?
  10. On the Channel 5 programme on railways, when they featured Ireland, they mentioned the Dublin to rosslare line was one of the most expensive in Europe to maintain! https://www.channel5.com/show/chris-tarrant-extreme-railway-journeys/
  11. Not sure if this link has been posted before but a great view of some of the early Bell wagons, making of the ferts, and arial shots of several stations.
  12. Great looking wagons! Will there be differing numbers available on wagons of the same livery?
  13. Not yet anyway lol
  14. Was gone in minutes. I tried.
  15. I believe the express passenger locomotives had larger radius drive wheels with smaller wheels used to help guide the locomotive. Locos for branch line, mixed and freight traffic ran at slower speeds and did not need this more complex and expensive configuration.
  16. Is the LNWR water tower preserved?
  17. Hi guys, Did many Black Hawthorne locos operate in Ireland? I saw one in the culrural museum near Belfast, sweet little engine.
  18. Some good material here also http://irishrailarchives.ie/index.php/2019/05/03/dublin-blessington-tramway-archive-photo-feature/ Also picked up a more recent booklet in the bookshop in Blessignton by a local author, will try and dig out the reference.
  19. How many were originally in that livery guys?
  20. Hi guys, How many 071s survived in silver and black? Also, any trusted modeller out there who could convert an 071 supertrain livery into the grey with yellow front ends for me?
  21. Long live the rivet counters!!!!
  22. Are each of the keg cages numbered differently in each of the packs? Great looking models.
  23. If any knows of a boxed Lima 201, I would be interested only because I believe they were the first prototypical Irish model produced from the Murphy stable.
  24. Have you a link?
  25. What would these different types of lamps be used for?
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