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Everything posted by Wexford70

  1. Thanks for this guys, very helpful.
  2. Great to know. What is the difference between a guard's van lamp and a loco lamp? Did they burn paraffin?
  3. Hi folks, Looking for a reliable source of info on locomotive / wagon lamps as well as others used on level crossings etc. Were lamps on the Irish network substantially different to the those used in the UK? Where were these lamps made?
  4. Will they have the same need for grease to run smoothly?
  5. I think its a fake site: Spray Tan Fresno! I think its one of the well produced emerging scams. If ordering use a credit card so you can claim back and watch ur bills..
  6. Would be great to be able to finally complete the rake.
  7. I disagree, given the volumes you would need to sell to cover rent, rates and other overheads. Let alone make a living from it. Prices will always be compared to those online so you are competing with a very large market, often with lower overheads. I would be cautious about investing in such a business. Do your planning well and be realistic.
  8. I'd love a rake in CIE but would wish they did 4 or 5 packs to be able to have a long enough rake
  9. Would be fantastic to have the spare lugs to accept the containers.
  10. Hi Fran, Are all of the wagon numbers on the keg wagons different from those of the bell liner wagons? In other words will we now be able to have 8 uniquely numbered 42' wagons?
  11. Great set of photos, never seen these varieties before. Have you a rough date for them?
  12. Very true, a minor inconvenience in the greater scheme of things.
  13. Here's hoping we still have jobs by the time they arrive!!
  14. Anyone heard any news on delivery dates recently?
  15. 80 trains a night!!!!!!!
  16. I regret that the current rolling stock has so little character compared to what has gone before. There was an elegance even with the freshly painted MkIIIs.
  17. They look well! Is there any book on laminate coaches?
  18. Hi guys, What type of carriages are these behind the 121? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10157285139878274&set=p.10157285139878274&type=3&theater
  19. https://www.facebook.com/groups/rtireland/permalink/1824199581049753/
  20. Thanks for the info. I had thought they were only in sets but saw one boxed on eBay a while back. Am just interested in having an example of the French / Irish models.
  21. Hi guys, If any knows of a boxed CIE Jouef carriage available for sale, I would be interested. Thanks
  22. Wexford70


    What does the train host do except hide in the guard's compartment when the train gets full? No disrespect to the staff but how does their presence compensate for over crowding, no seat booking information and an announcement speaker that sounds like a gramaphone from the 1930s. I see the same gentleman on the Wexford route regularly and even asked the ticket checker what their role was. He had no idea. By the way anyone ever see the selll by date on the Danish pastries sold.from the catering trollies? In a nuclear war only those Danish pastries and cockroaches will remain!!!
  23. Hi guys, does anyone have any info on the original opened in Wexford (Carcur) on 17 August 1872? Are there any photos or plans in existence? The current station opened in August 1874 I believe.
  24. Any one know if Irish Rail insisted on the new bridge, built as part of the New Ross bypass, being strong enough to carry rail traffic? I know its unlikely it would ever be needed for rail traffic again but am just curious as to what conditions are enforced.
  25. Is RM railway modeller or railway magazine?
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