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Everything posted by Wexford70

  1. Actually I have heard Wexford CoCo are planning to retain and restore as much of the existing 'furniture' including the lattice signal poles and the level crossing infrastructure.
  2. told it was found discarded at the north end of the station in the under growth Update: it was found in the overgrowth not far from the original position, near the entrance close to the Mart entrance.
  3. Thanks for this. Any idea who the main manufacturers were?
  4. Hi guys, Can anyone help identifying the item in the picture. It was uncovered as part of the greenway works in Rosbercon (New Ross). In the learned opinion of the members here is it: a) a pivot for a turntable? b) a pivot for a manual loading crane c) something else?
  5. be very careful, ring An Post customer service to check. It is a known scam: https://www.rte.ie/news/business/2020/0828/1161847-an-post-warns-of-smishing-scam/ Don't click on any of the links and certainly don't enter any debit / credit card info.
  6. Just eager to have an early Christmas present
  7. Lovely photo of 47' on eBay https://www.ebay.ie/itm/CIE-034-North-Wall-Dublin-1983-Eire-Rail-Photo/283501534996?hash=item4202021f14:g:dtcAAMXQfvlSoO~y
  8. I find Kernow Models very accommodating when I have used them. Very personable service.
  9. I know I am a bit late to this thread but just found this and it brought back memories of the last time I was there with my father. In the video you can actually see some LIMA CIE coaches. How I wanted one of them!!!!!! https://www.rte.ie/archives/2020/1120/1179432-model-railway-kits/
  10. Could.tbey not lick up an undamaged one? Lol
  11. Well saved! Pity we have no railway museum to donate items too.
  12. Can't believe the asking price for a simple rail chair https://touch.adverts.ie/memorabilia/1921-railway-tie/22134780
  13. Thanks for confirming this.
  14. Very helpful. Thank you.
  15. Would anyone have information on: 1) the development of the design of railway chairs 2) Names of suppliers of these over the decades (were most bought from the UK?) Thanks Oops sorry meant to post in general chat, can moderators please move?
  16. Strange it's not in the middle picture. Some of the DSER chairs were still in situ from 1911 - 1918.
  17. Would anyone know when the crossing bridge was installed and then removed from Rosbercon station (New Ross)? Any info on the turntable would also be appreciated.
  18. Why were different types of coaches in the same pack? I doubt a factory error.
  19. Could the CIE and IR wagons be mixed? Was there a cross over period when they might have co-existed?
  20. Great question. A little disappointing when there are insufficient numbers to complete a rake. I would happily buy a pack f as I would extra packs of the ferts, gypsum and grey bubbles. I hope if the lads ever do the sugar beet wagons there will be at least 15 avaiable.
  21. Think I got the last IR pack, my Xmas present to myself. Would also have loved to hear an announcement on coaching stock.
  22. Back to the hydraulic turntable, found an image of a Class 121 powering one in Dublin 1964. Interesting. Can be seen at 30 seconds in:
  23. has anyone had difficulty receiving the 10% discount on the site?
  24. The packs were commissioned by Marks Models as Bachmann were doing a run of the UK version. It was (and is) Marks Models intention, I believe, to commission extra packs without generators to complete the rake but it is dependant on Bachmann doing another run. I had asked about these only the other week as like many here would love to complete a prototypical rake.
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