Jesus, so much has happened. Right now tracklaying is beginning on what is intended to be the permanent trackbed. It consists of a roughly 10in wide roadbed laid on two bricks, staggered and parallel to the track. Something like 9mm ply will be layed on this, then track in the very centre, then ballast. The reason there is so much clearance around the track is that I want to eventually add signals, and control these, and points, by basically a wire-in-tube method-similar to actual point and signal rodding, but made of steel wire and running in a plastic tube. There is intended to be ~3 "boxes", consisting of small lineside buildings that have a removable wall to access levers. The roadbed currently being laid is, IIRC, the FIFTH time I have begun tracklaying (anywhere on the railway), each time for what was intended to be the last time in that area. This is frustrating, but one of the side effects is that most of my track is quite clean, as I clean it every time I lay it down again. This may be the first time I have actually managed to get something actually visually nice going. Wish me luck, and I will share more progress updates in the next few weeks.