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Everything posted by LNERW1

  1. How long have you been waiting to make that joke?
  2. From what I've heard, under very dodgy circumstances too. Basically everyone I've seen mention it has said they had unfulfilled pre-order(s).
  3. Interested, but saving up from summer jobs.
  4. Sorry, should have added- that model of controller is one of the most unreliable, poorly made products I've ever used, but the user experience is fine so I would be interested in getting another one, I'd just be careful with it this time!
  5. By modifications I mean DCC and Kadee couplings. Thanks.
  6. Don’t forget the “adult content creator” who not only flashed the portal causing the final impetus for it to be shut down, but then made a TikTok saying she believed the people of Ireland “deserved to see her lovely potatoes”. On the NYC side. So it wasn’t just us, but I have to admit the 8-year-old giving New York the middle finger was a legend.
  7. As nobody seems to be particularly invested in the tangent, let me just bring the conversation back to its initial focus as well as just bringing it back up to the surface so it’s not forgotten.
  8. Isn’t that literally @Horsetan’s signature? I’m on mobile at the moment so can’t check.
  9. Content deleted, posted in wrong topic, apologies.
  10. Above post is unclear- are you saying it has been sold? If not, any reason for modifications and does the controller pictured work?
  11. Ah go on, buy it… Seriously though, the loco looks to be recently overhauled with modern controls, touchscreens, etc. Hope they find a good home.
  12. This is great to hear, the C&L are doing more than anyone to preserve BnM’s railway history. Not only that, they have so many preserved vehicles that they could open an entire transport museum. The top loco appears to be a Wagonmaster, the bottom a rebuilt one. Went to the C&L just a couple of weeks ago.
  13. I thought I already had. Let me fix that...
  14. Run out of bricks now! Will post picture(s) of ~5m of track sown so far. Any questions/suggestions/criticisms? If you feel there's any obvious problems then please let me know. Thanks.
  15. Just two quick thread plugs- BnM preservation as I’m trying to organise a trip, and Ardree Quay because I need positive interaction to motivate me to work on it. Thanks!
  16. Having been onsite before, the engines’ batteries have been removed and their coolant, oil, fuel, etc. tanks have been drained, so I doubt BnM would be rushing to play trains for us. I agree, should be great if we can get enough people interested, anyone please rate the thread five stars to try and get it to as many interested people as possible. Thanks!
  17. Is the smoke oil working?
  18. Ok, here are some pictures of the new roadbed, although it is incomplete as 9mm ply still needs to be added between the bricks and track, as well as ballast.
  19. Again, any members in or near Laois, the Coolnamona trip is still going ahead of there’s enough people, please do express interest here. Even if you don’t live near Laois, could schedule it for the afternoon to allow people to travel. There’s also a good few motorway hotels only around 1km from the site, so if staying overnight is more convenient for most the trip can happen earlier.
  20. Well I would propose Coolnamona, as it’s fairly easily accessible, has about 6km of track still in place, runs under the M7 and Dublin-Cork line which is an interesting focal point, has interesting infrastructure still in place that could act as part of some kind of museum, has 3 potential station sites, and has track running into large buildings that can be used as sheds/workshops. It’s also less than 1km from the nearest motorway exit and less than 15 minutes from Portlaoise station.
  21. i could check, but I'd say you're close enough.
  22. This post makes me angry, because I saw this model in person a day later and it refused to work. I don't think it likes me...
  23. Probably “a while ago”. It’s all going fast now, if we’re going to do anything we need to hurry.
  24. Jesus, so much has happened. Right now tracklaying is beginning on what is intended to be the permanent trackbed. It consists of a roughly 10in wide roadbed laid on two bricks, staggered and parallel to the track. Something like 9mm ply will be layed on this, then track in the very centre, then ballast. The reason there is so much clearance around the track is that I want to eventually add signals, and control these, and points, by basically a wire-in-tube method-similar to actual point and signal rodding, but made of steel wire and running in a plastic tube. There is intended to be ~3 "boxes", consisting of small lineside buildings that have a removable wall to access levers. The roadbed currently being laid is, IIRC, the FIFTH time I have begun tracklaying (anywhere on the railway), each time for what was intended to be the last time in that area. This is frustrating, but one of the side effects is that most of my track is quite clean, as I clean it every time I lay it down again. This may be the first time I have actually managed to get something actually visually nice going. Wish me luck, and I will share more progress updates in the next few weeks.
  25. Don't really have any advice as I'm working on my first three layouts at the moment and haven't finished anything, but I think it looks good and wish you luck.
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