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Everything posted by thewanderer

  1. Evening folks, A lunchtime visit to Rosskelton for the 1300 Heuston - Cork & 1220 Cork - Heuston. Once the ICR fleet reformations are completed, the 1300 Heuston - Cork service will be one of several that will become ICR operated. The pictures start at http://smu.gs/MJ09Fv The Wanderer.
  2. Good evening all, The latest batch of pictures, from this weekend are now online on the website. Locations include: Saturday - Portarlington for the last 4 car Premier Car set 22034. - Ballykillane (Portlarlington - Portlaoise) 234 1400 Heuston - Cork. Sunday - Grange More (Ballybrophy) for 222 on the 1000 Heuston - Cork. - Lisduff. 086 on HOBS, 22036 1025 Limerick - Heuston & Ballast Cleaner 781. - Ennis. 2801 + 2802 & 2819 + 2820 on WRC services. - Pictures of the two flooded locations on the Limerick Ennis Railway at Ballycar and Mooghaun Bridge. The pictures start at http://smu.gs/1jok6j7
  3. Evening all, Some photos from lunchtime around the Portlaosie area. 071 1150 Inchicore - Limerick wagon transfer. 232 1300 Heuston - Cork. 22028 22033 & 22061 at Laois Train Care Depot. The pictures begin at http://smu.gs/1bu1Hcv Enjoy, The Wanderer.
  4. I always thought that house was in an "odd position". To most of the population, it wouldn't be the nicest of views. Here is a few from me today. An interesting (and frustrating) day today with three locos needed for a timber train and several Dublin bound Cork services delayed from train faults and bad weather. Pictures start at http://smu.gs/1evGLX1 The Wanderer.
  5. Iarnrod Eireann is 27 years old today. One of their first new rolling stock purchases (excluding the MK3 order which started in the C.I.E. era) was the 2600 Class DMU's from Tokyu Car Corportation in Japan, along with the 201 Class Locomotives from GM in London, Canada. 20 years on from delivery, 2603 still looks smart as it stands in Mallow with the 1435 Cork - Tralee. http://smu.gs/1i8xpR1 The Wanderer.
  6. Evening all, It's Friday and the weekend and I was heading to Kerry for the weekend. A couple of pictures from: - Portlaoise - Limerick Jct. - Limerick. - Mallow. The pictures begin at http://smu.gs/1fiDPLk The Wanderer.
  7. Good evening all, A rather excellent late morning at Monastervin and Kildare to photograph the regular & some additional freight & perway train movements. - Inspection Car 722 1030 Kildare - Ballybrophy - Heuston - Kildare. - 071 0750 Limerick - Kildare Wagon Trial. - 078 0930 North Wall - Ballina IWT. - 072 1020 North Wall - Ballina Empty Wagon Transfer. - 081 1010 Waterford - Portlaoise Ety. Materials Train. Plus the usual diet of MKIV's and ICR's. The pictures begin at http://smu.gs/1b5bx4v Enjoy, The Wanderer.
  8. Rather bare today compared to that picture! Was Manulla was a normal public accessible station back in the day??
  9. Afternoon all, It was an early start this morning to chase the 0945 Limerick Jct. - Waterford which was formed of 4ICR 22011. I managed to photograph it at: - Limerick Jct. - Tipperary. - Cahir. - Clonmel. - Ballinderry. - Fiddown. - Gouldings LC at Waterford West. - Waterford. While services over the South Tipp line are diagrammed for 4ICR, as the set workings are tied in with Dublin - Waterford, Dublin - Galway and Dublin - Cork services I understand when the revised fleet reformations are complete (10 less 4ICR'S and 10 extra 3ICR's) and new set workings are introduced, more suitable 3ICR's will be provided for the route. Today also includes some pictures from Newtown Bridge, north of Limerick Jct. for 22055 on the 0855 Limerick - Heuston & 22023 0800 Heuston - Cork, plus 081 stabled at Limerick Jct. with Autoballasters. Pictures start at: http://smu.gs/1f15Uqk The Wanderer.
  10. Train was 4ICR 22022 vice booked MKIV set 4006 due to a fault with the set before departure in Cork. Set due to return to Cork at 1300hrs and take up Tralee line duties (2600's been covering one Kerry diagram today). 1500 ICR set used for 1300 and will be held back for its booked 1820 Cork - Heuston. MKIV set repaired for 1620 Cork - Heuston & 22022 works 1500 Heuston - Cork instead of the 1300 service. The Wanderer.
  11. The soup was after Bally Plus it was very tasty.
  12. Evening all, Just two photos from Heuston earlier tonight before attending an IRRS talk. http://smu.gs/19R826e The Wanderer.
  13. I had to head back to Kerry on Monday evening and back early this morning so a couple of pictures from Limerick Jct., Mallow, Rathmore & Killarney to keep you all entertained. http://smu.gs/KwOJDP The Wanderer.
  14. A few photos from Killeen, near Killarney and at Rathmore while travelling back to Laois. http://smu.gs/1bbp3Df The Wanderer.
  15. By the time I was interested in the Irish Rail scene the Park Royal's were a no go in Kerry. Did have a trip on them on the Limerick Shuttle but don't remember much about them. What is the difference between the mainline and suburban versions? The Wanderer.
  16. Pictures from Thurles, Cork, Mallow, Rathmore & Killarney. Includes pictures of Cork's platform 1 and 2 minus the canopy. http://smu.gs/LrAm4L The Wanderer.
  17. Same amount of seats, just a better spread. However the plan has been modified and it will now consist of 25 x 4ICR / 28 X 3ICR / 10 X 5ICR Premier Class. http://www.irishrail.ie/cat_news.jsp?i=4918&ci=5&p=116&n=133&date_from=2013-01-01&date_to=2013-12-31 Changes in train fleet utilisation to save energy costs 09 September 2013 Iarnród Éireann Irish Rail is to implement new energy saving fleet utilisation initiatives to generate fuel savings, which will reduce fuel and maintenance costs by €3.2 million per annum. The range of actions begin this week, focusing on train size for off-peak DART services. Currently, 65% of total daily DART passengers travel in the four hours of either morning or evening peak, with the remaining 35% travelling across the remaining 14 hours of travel. In place of longer trains used currently, the company will increase the usage of 2-carriage DARTs at off-peak times from mid-morning to mid-afternoon, and after 7pm, to eliminate unnecessary energy usage and reduce maintenance costs, while continuing existing service frequency to customers. This approach also allows the flexibility for capacity to be increased on off-peak trains at times of higher demand, such as for major events. Furthermore, the company are continuing to monitor peak train sizes and will increase capacity on one peak service in response to demand, the 16.40hrs Bray to Malahide DART, from 6 to 8 carriages. For Intercity services, Iarnród Éireann is to reconfigure the Intercity railcar fleet. Currently, the 234 carriages in the fleet are configured to form 48 three-carriage trains and 15 six-carriage trains. This has lead to capacity shortages on some services and oversupply on others. The fleet will be reconfigured to form 45 four-carriage trains and 18 three-carriage trains, allowing greater flexibility in train size, with 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9 carriage Intercity trains possible as result by combining train sets together. These changes will be implemented on a phased basis by year end. As well as savings in fuel and maintenance costs, the new fleet configuration will ensure train size can be targeted to meet demand, and increase train size and seat numbers on services which have experienced high numbers travelling. The measures are the latest in a range of initiatives introduced by Iarnród Éireann to reduce energy consumption, yielding environmental and cost benefits. Since 2007, energy consumption – the vast majority of which is for diesel and electricity to power trains – has reduced by over one-third in Iarnród Éireann, through actions including: - New trains incorporating improved energy efficiency - Automatic shutdown of train engines to reduce idling - Reduction in DART power supply voltage and competitive tendering of electricity supply - Extension of regenerative braking on the DART - More efficient DART train software - Reduced train sizes where demand has decreased - Implementation of improved lighting, heating and fan controls in depots - Changes to lighting in station car parks - Temperature and lighting control systems in buildings to prevent wastage In total, energy usage in Megawatt hours has reduced from 793,400 in 2007 to 526,800 in 2012, a reduction of almost 34%. The company’s energy bills were €16 million lower in 2012 than they would have been had these measures not been implemented.
  18. Today saw the final passenger run of a 6 car 22000 Class unit. 22040 was pictured at Portlaoise after arriving with the 1810 Heuston - Portlaoise. http://smu.gs/1aXBhPL I've been chasing 22040 over the last couple of days with photos from Killarney and Belfast Central and Great Victoria Street of all places. It certainly got around the country in its final few days as a 6 car unit. These photos are also in the January gallery. The Wanderer.
  19. 22040 undertook a trial trip from Dundalk to Belfast for tests over the Bearing Acoustic Monitor at Adelaide. It also went into Great Victoria Street to turn the set. http://smu.gs/KYdHwE The Wanderer.
  20. Afternoon all, Saturday 11th January 2014 was nice and sunny so I ventured out for a few photographs in the Portarlington area. The highlight being 085 on the Steel Train from Waterford to Portlaoise, plus the usual diet of 201's + MKIV's and 22000's. http://smu.gs/19kQy1V The Wanderer.
  21. Evening all, An update to yesterdays trip to Killarney, today has more photos from Killarney and Level Crossing XT150 between Farranfore and Tralee. http://smu.gs/1ajSCWD The Wanderer.
  22. I wouldn't dismiss the Heuston rumour out of hand, from what I've heard.
  23. Evening folks, Some more pictures from this week: Tuesday: Evening time visit to Monastervin with a couple of pictures and videos. Wedesday: A lunchtime trip to Killarney and later that evening I headed back into the station to see the LAST 6ICR set 22040. Sister sets 22038 and 22039 have been converted this week and 22040 will be done early next week. These pictures are now online at: http://smu.gs/1gioQ4Z The Wanderer.
  24. and I was very confused as to the thread title for a minute or two. What's Cork got to do with building a layout. Being from Kerry I suppose.....
  25. Cheers :tumbsup:Long may it continue! Just one photo from today showing 232 stabled at Laois Train Care Depot after it failed on Saturday evening. It went back to Inchicore L.E. at lunchtime today. http://smu.gs/1cIo78W The Wanderer.
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