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Everything posted by UP6936

  1. If that happens maybe we will see some RPSI railtours with their own diesels rather than IE/NIR haulage. I wonder would 142 move south if this happened?
  2. Will the green livery heritage rake be moving? That would be worth seeing
  3. Not sure warbonnet. While we're on the topic, what coach sets were moved, and where did they move them to?
  4. Wow, thats quite a behemoth you have there!
  5. I think the RPSI have acquired 134 already, at the same time as an additional 141
  6. Is that an OO hopper next to the loco?
  7. Happy Birthday!
  8. Looking good! I'm amazed that your workbench has got to 10 pages so quick. How many locos do you have now?
  9. Are you sure they are on pilot duties? Last I heard they were stored awaiting preservation or scrapping
  10. which can be found in the layout section
  11. Bit of a mad idea, but seeing as steam locos can use smoke generators, could diesel models have 'clag' generators that would be controlled by the decoder to clag when the loco accelerated? If it would work it would suit the English Electric engined NIR railcars such as the 80 class
  12. Good idea! Plus any really productive threads could be pinned as guides by the mods?
  13. Thanks for the info Scots mac, $30 for an O loco! You would barely get a HO Bachmann geep for that! Just wondering, 3 rail O seems big in the states, why is this, as to me it just looks wrong! (no offence to any 3 railers reading this)
  14. Just wondering, does the DCDR allow cab rides?
  15. Thats great, myself and two friends should be there
  16. Hi, how much does a ticket cost, and are you able to stay all day or is it just one run?
  17. That loco is huge! What make are the F units?
  18. Warbonnet, I'm the same, I've UP stuff next to erie lackawanna and even alaska railroad! I try to run locos with correct stock (most of the time) though.
  19. You dont happen to know if the UP Minnesota ore cars walthers make are still used today? As I got some and have been running them with an SD70ACe
  20. Hi Scots mac, as my username suggests im into American outline myself, and may I just say, that big steamer is amazing! How long is it?
  21. Speaking of foodstuff, my dad got Guinness crisps! They'll either be great or awful!
  22. I thought I would try to get some discussion going. For anyone into the yank stuff, do you generally stick to one road name, or just model all sorts? Personally, I try sticking to UP/SP but being somewhat impulsive, I just cant seem to! Thanks for any opinions expressed James
  23. So did I actually! I was thinking of asking for thin socks, but I got cold feet...
  24. 201bhoy, please upload a video of the 201 with sound when you can, it sounds good!
  25. Sounds good Dunluce, looking forward to seeing the photos. Railer, are you going to get a MM grey 071 or a repaint?
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