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Everything posted by UP6936

  1. Anyone get train stuff this morning? Tell us about it here! Myself, I got an ATSF caboose and a 12 pack of UP ore cars, will get a picture up when I get a chance later
  2. Nice rake Sean, what number is the 071?
  3. Darn I was just thinking of making that reference!
  4. Holy Moly! Thats quite a stash!
  5. I would also agree that the j15 and jeep would be the most viable. Also, any other loco types being done should really be classes with examples in preservation, because then you can market them to people modelling the steam era, and diesel people who want an RPSI type train on their layout, hence more sales.
  6. Thanks, a happy christmas to you and all your family as well. when was that photo taken?
  7. Scots Mac, that track looks quite like a smalled down version of bachmann ez track, do the integrated ballast sections clip together, or is it via fishplates?
  8. What would they be like in terms of assembly, ie. would they be overly fragile, could you use the same glues (humbrol poly cement etc.) as you would use on injection moulded kits?
  9. would it work better if they where printed as kits of parts that the modeller could then assemble?
  10. Thanks, this thread is getting me kind of interested in the old lima boxes. Must look out my British ones and see if they look the same
  11. To me Irish ballast seems very grey, and gauge master do some that looks quite realistic, I have a bag at home I will put up a photo of later. It is actually made by Noch, so it could be possible to get it in large quantity from them, not sure though
  12. Is the middle box a newer issue than the other two? I ask as the logo looks different colored to the other two as well as some boxes I have from the period
  13. Those cement bubbles are really nice. Cant wait to see them decaled up. Are you going to weather them?
  14. They use the same basic emd 567 prime mover as the baby GMs, albeit with more cylinders I think, hence why they sound similar. Do sound locos work on DC?
  15. Very nice! Must keep an eye on eBay
  16. Wow, you're fairly turning out locos at some pace! It looks great. I always thought that the 800s where the only 4-6-0s in Ireland. I think the rebuild you have done on the firebox is particularly good
  17. The 70s may be bizarre, but those 8 axle flat cars are the business! I wonder if anyone makes models of them? When will the the colas 70s arrive in the UK?
  18. Nah, I don't think so myself. Mind you, considering someone is willing to pay £14 would nearly tempt me to paint up a similar van I have and stick it on eBay!
  19. Could be one for Wrenneire, that. £15 postage is a bit steep though, would you not agree?
  20. Happy birthday!
  21. I like the concrete slab. You should weather it up and maybe do a few oil stains?
  22. I wonder does he like 201s? Lovely loco though, is she going to get etched nameplates?
  23. No shame telling the difference, they're cool locos! I agree, I saw a class 70 in the modelshopbelfast, and it looked great. If British outline was my thing, I'd simply have to acquire one! While on the subject of US GEs, have you any experience of the athearn ac4400, as model junction seem to be getting them in, and Christmas money is just around the corner Sorry for off topic
  24. I must say, this ranks among the best few layouts I've ever seen. Really appreciate you posting the pictures David, they're an inspiration.
  25. Being hood units, they would suit large logo livery I think.
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