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Everything posted by RedRich

  1. I agree 100% that including 1514 would really make this a wonderful set if the second run is to be produced. I haven't traveled on the RPSI set since they acquired them from IE so I haven't seen the interior of 1514 some pics ( in a dedicated thread as not to derail this one ) would be appreciated to see if one of the standards could be converted. Would folks be happy enough if they just blanked out windows 4 and 5 on a standard and numbered it 1514. Anyway I will definitely support this as the RPSI is a great society and they deserve all the support they get. Rich,
  2. I am looking for clear side on photos of 201's body side nameplates in Irish and English for a little project. It would be even more appreciated if correct measurements could be provided also. TIA, Rich,
  3. It may have been, if not the number branded with the Bulk Cement and larger broken wheel might have been very small. If Richie sees this he will I'm sure be able to give a more definitive answer. Rich,
  4. That's all the testimony I need Stephen. You must be over the moon with how the IRM project is progressing. Rich,
  5. I need the whole bottle Pat. Seriously that is definitely the best 2 axle wagon model I have seen and I am including the Ballast as an example also. I love the Ballast and I thought it will be a hard act to follow. 25195 is so unique as well with the Bulk Cement Stenciling. All the team deserve huge plaudits and I don't think Pat, Fran, and Stephen would mind me singling out Richie for his amazing input. I can't wait to get my hands on them. What's frightening is, if the Tara's top these. Rich,
  6. Having read JHBs post he says the guy that nicked his book is dead, so he won't have any issues going on in his life now. Rich,
  7. Looking forward to the announcement Fran and seeing the pre production model. I have an idea, and I guess that I know what number 4 will be. I'll have to keep some cash in my pocket for all these new releases, keep em coming. Rich,
  8. You'll be barred from entering Limerick Richie, you'll have to sneak back in every time you want to visit home. Rich,
  9. Now that is what you call excellent men, even down to the springs. The bar keeps getting raised. Rich,
  10. Cheers Fran. I noticed some of the detail beneath the chassis in the livery detail pics posted a few months ago. I didn't think it would be possible to better the Ballasts but obviously you have. Always breeds confidence for future models. Rich,
  11. That's how to rally the troops Fran. I love the days of compromise and making do are at an end. Really looking forward to these. I know the hard work and effort from the team that has been put into bringing these wagons to the market and it is much appreciated. Just out of interest, do they recycle the sprues in the factory. Rich,
  12. Pat is spot on regarding the Bullhead Rail if that is what was used in Omagh. Along with the Peco Bullhead flexible track lenghts which have more prototypical sleeper spacing they are also going to be producing points in Bullhead to accompany them. Another rtr manufacturer doing 00 finescale Bullhead Rail is DDC Concepts and it looks very good with the correct sleeper spacing also. At the moment the Peco code 75 track is all flat bottom with incorrect sleeper spacing. I see from your enthusiasm that you want to make your project look good, and I would advise you to go with the bullhead it will look better. Rich,
  13. Excellent post from someone who knows exactly what he is talking about. Also getting back on topic the Cravens really are a fantastic model that deserve their place at the top table. Definitely one of MM's finest models, I love them, even at full price they are still a bargain. Rich,
  14. Agree 100% it is one of the cleverest designed brass kits I have seen. Patience and time is all that is needed. Rich,
  15. I have really enjoyed watching this thread. To have taken the model as received and to have re worked it to this standard is truly great modelling, top work sir. I don't want to veer from the thread topic and I know I have no reason to need one, but I need to put cash aside and get one of these Darts. From what was announced at the beginning to what is being produced now it's a top model, I really like it. Rich,
  16. . Where have you seen the brass kit built wagons that they are warped or twisted How many different individuals models have you seen. Do you blame the kits or the builders. Why not offer up a post on how best the modeller or manufacturer might improve the kit. I'm sure they would love to know. It could be the lighting conditions or else he did unclip the roof and lightened the colour. If he did re paint the roof it really should be mentioned in the description. Saying they are hard to source is a bit cheeky when the are available in Marks for €109. Rich,
  17. There's a set of the same coaches in Marks for €109. Who's more deluded the seller or the buyer. Rich,
  18. €110 for two 42ft flat wagons, won't sag like resin or brass apparently. Rich,
  19. Is there any chance Noel that you could contact the lads at IRM off site about deliveries. You only asked a couple of weeks ago and Fran has told you he will let everyone know at the correct moment when he has dates for dispatch from China and arrival here. Countless other members have ordered packs also including myself, and we are being patient as we know the end product will be worth waiting for. To be honest it is getting a bit boring and a tad annoying everytime the thread is bumped it's you asking the same question. Please give the lads a break they are an honest bunch of guys that are doing this as an aside from their day jobs and personal lives. It must be terrible frustrating for the lads to be asked the same question time and again. Rich,
  20. Nice one Richie I was only down there about six weeks ago. We were out visiting my brother in law in Mooncoin and decided to go for a walk. We went down Chapel Street to the Grange road and walked as far as the crossing. My Dads a Mooncoin Man and used to take the train into Waterford from Grange, collect my Mother (when they were courting his word not mine) and walk to Railway Square to catch the Tramore train before he bought a car. He had a Triumph motor bike but my Mother wasn't having any of it. It's a lovely scenic line. Nice to see 084 she must have been one of the last to remain in the IE orange livery. Shows how great the models are also when watching the real thing. Rich,
  21. Five Bachmann Coaches produced for MM in CIE Green with Flying Snail all in original packaging and in excellent condition. 2 3rd Class 2 brake 3rd class 1 1st 3rd class 25 Euro per coach or all five for 110 Euros. 1 Bachmann K class (N class) Steam Locomotive in CIE Green with Flying Snail un-numbered the numbers included when purchased are missing. 100 Euros 1 Complete MIR Kit WF6 Irish Cement Bogie Wagon. 35 Euros 1 Complete MIR Kit WF1A 20 ft Flat Wagon with Beer Keg Container. I have included 2 extra CT5 2 Stack Keg Container and 3 BK 1 2 High stack of 60 beer kegs. I have also included white metal sides and ends as an alternative should you choose not to build it as a beer carrying wagon. 45 Euros Postage not included, Can be collected in the Waterford area. Thanks for looking gents. Rich,
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