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Everything posted by RedRich

  1. Maybe it was glued in the factory during manufacture due to a poor fit. Rich,
  2. I've had the handrails off of mine and refit them with no problem, none of mine were glued. It is fairly painless removing them when you take time and care. Rich,
  3. It has also been pointed out by other posters how unlike the Irish prototype the Piko wagons are. If you jump into your box every time someone disagrees with you, then you might find yourself spending too much time in there, and it won't do you any good. It was only a difference of opinion. Rich,
  4. I have to disagree with you there. I see the timber wagons on a weekly basis and the Piko models have barely a passing resemblance, as well as being HO. I think we are beyond the days of HO models passing as prototype Irish rolling stock. Rich,
  5. Got mine today and had a good look at them this evening. I know that in the locomotive side of the hobby there are differences in opinion of what is the most important feature, running or accuracy. I always put accuracy first because I expect all current high end loco models to be good runners as a given. This is IRM's first model and their vision was to produce an accurate high end model of an Irish prototype at a reasonable price to the modeller. This wagon has ticked all the boxes and has set the bar to a new higher level. The quality and finish of the wagon is fantastic in all areas such as the colour the printing, the sometimes delicate ( but exquisite )looking brake and under chassis detail. A huge plus also is the option for the 21mm modeller. IRM have constantly shared images of the CAD and first pre production models, and the very interesting piece on the tooling process was certainly something that you rarely if ever see from a manufacturer. It is also nice to see the areas that were amended from the earliest shot's of the models to the one we have now. There are always ways for someone to add or change different parts of a model to make it more appealing to them. Apart form weathering, re gauging the wheels, changing couplings, or renumbering it, there aren't any other changes I could see myself doing to it, or that it need's, and not any that would improve it. I am delighted with mine. The freight side of the hobby needed a top class model to compliment the already fantastic locos available, and it is really satisfying that we have that level of model now. Each of the IRM lad's have added their own individual skills from their professional lives and as a team it works perfectly. Personally as a customer and as a modeller I am delighted and looking forward confidently and expectantly for future releases from IRM. I also hope you guy's take a little and well deserved break before the bubbles arrive as you must be worn out by now. Rich,
  6. Why don't you contact Murphy Models and ask them. Rich,
  7. The beginning part is what is so exciting Stephen. I reckon there will be one or two curve balls in there as well as I can see IRM looking at the not so obvious. This is the adventurous vibe I get from all four of you. Rich, Rich,
  8. They look fantastic Stephen. Everything from the models to the presentation and packaging says quality. The bar has been raised again. Rich,
  9. Lovely Noel, 112 is a smashing model and the Cravens are one of the best rtr coaches available. Rich,
  10. Cheer's Fran, roll on next week. If there is any spare cash hanging around get the van pimped out IRM style. Enjoy Bangor, Rich,
  11. Thinking of you Seamus. Talk soon, Rich,
  12. Great news Fran, thanks for the update. Rich,
  13. Your posts and your knowledge of our railways is like a bible for all railway enthusiasts, and are something I always look forward to reading. Rich,
  14. The forum celebrates it's fifth year this month Stephen, Pat, Fran and myself had discussed the need for a new forum and over some exchanges of ideas Stephen got everything up and running. The idea was to have a group that was going to push the hobby forward and be a friendly place for people to talk about and share ideas. The Yuku group had become a dictatorship run by one guy and his many personalities and aliases and rightfully is long gone. We have many members that have huge knowledge of both the prototype and model world which is invaluable for a forum like this. We also have collectors on the forum that give a lot of their time and knowledge The Murphy Models, Lima thread is a great resource for both modellers and collectors. The lad's run the forum fantastically when you consider it is all on their own time. We have had a few bad apples over the years but they we're dealt with as they should be and shown the door. It has been overall a great five years and the release of the first model from Irish Railway Models is a testament as to how far the hobby has been taken when you consider the IRM team are four members of the forum. I look forward to the next five years which I am certain will be even more fantastic then the previous five, Rich,
  15. Lovely Fran they look great. Also nice to see the forum house colours on the packaging. it looks class. What a way to celebrate 5 years of the forum this month. Rich,
  16. When I saw the word facts it reminded me of the rant Rafa Benitez had when he was Liverpool manager. We all know how that ended up. Leave the modding to the lads. Rich,
  17. The criticism is not displaced one bit. Dave is a collector and enthusiast of the hobby and has seen every kind of quality in his time, therefore his opinion is sound. The same can be said for Ed's opinion as he has been involved in the hobby for a long time as a modeller and exhibitor at shows on this island and beyond. The OP himself has stated in another thread that he would not want to go down the kit road of non injection moulded plastic models. When he asked the IRM team if there were any intentions of a bullied corrugated model being produced the lads said there were no plans at this time. It was pointed out to him that another manufacturer has produced a fine kit of the wagon, he said himself he would only be interested in injection moulded plastic models. That then blows the availability theory out of the water. I'll take a bet Junctionmad, that if anyone except Noel had started this thread you would not have gotten involved in it. Rich,
  18. I have seen an IFM Park Royal up close, and for the money it is priced at I think it falls way below that value. It fails in a lot of departments that should be high end quality. If someone is willing to part with that amount of money and is happy with it then good luck to them. I don't buy into the it's Irish or a small market for a second neither. Rich,
  19. Smashing pics gents. It's nice to see the little detail differences in both chassis. It's gonna be a big year for the hobby and a great start to it with the ballast's. A big shout out to Richie for the paint jobs. Rich,
  20. JHB I admire your knowledge of the the history of our railways and enjoy reading your posts, especially steam related threads. There are a lot of lurkers and visitors on the group that are getting into the hobby and aren't all that clued up at the moment on the accuracy and fidelity of model to prototype. We owe it to these people to point these things out so they don't make a mistake they regret later. Once you post a model on ebay or other auction sites with a starting price then be prepared for people to voice their opinion if they think the model is a poor effort with barely a passing resemblance to the prototype. Rich,
  21. Ah lad's please. I can understand people offering praise and encouragement, but just look at pics of the prototype. There is more wrong with that model than there is correct. The chimney, the dome, there aren't any whistles, and that's just the beginning. Things have come such a long way in recent years do we really wan't to go back to that being acceptable. Rich,
  22. That is fantastic work, huge respect to all involved. Rich,
  23. That's all fantastic news Fran. Hope yourself and Pat enjoyed what sounds like a good weekend. Rich,
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