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Everything posted by RedRich

  1. Cheers Stephen it should be well worth a look. Rich,
  2. No chance Riversuir. George is a dyed in the wool rebel. The Tara's look smashing, one of MIR'S best kit's. The scratch builds are smashing. Rich,
  3. Lovely work Riversuir, George will definitely sort out the weathering for you. It's nice to see another Waterford man involved in the hobby. Keep up the good work. Rich,
  4. I've just been having a look at some 071 pictures in my collection and there seem to be some details present on the chassis of the model above the fuel tanks. I wonder if these are representations of the lights that are used on the prototype when re fueling in poor light. If they are (although they are not working on the model) it is another great piece of capturing the look as accurately as possible. I'm getting to love the models more every day. Rich,
  5. Well done Brian for taking the plunge. I wish you the very best of luck. Rich,
  6. Great work Ken, it's an area we don't see modelled that often. It's very interesting. Rich,
  7. You're flying Noel. The loco will look impressive in the livery you have chosen. Weathering look's good btw, keep us up to date. Rich,
  8. RedRich

    New IÉ logo...

    As I said to Fran Stephen, it took a few look's to spot it. If it goes ahead as it is in Ed's post it doesn't look bad at all. It could be a plan in the making for the retailers if MM don't decide to produce it in the future. Rich,
  9. RedRich

    New IÉ logo...

    I was looking at it on a laptop Fran and it wasn't obvious immediately. Rich,
  10. RedRich

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Great communicating and customer service Des. You dealt with it the right way. Rich,
  11. RedRich

    New IÉ logo...

    I could be wrong Fran, but is the I in the IE logos green. Cheers for posting that Ed top marks. Rich,
  12. Just while we are discussing livery details something I've not seen mentioned is the fact that 082 has the older style red flash type over head wire warning flashes on the prototype and they appear that way on the model. 071 has the latest yellow flashes and this is represented correctly on the model. There's no doubt that the locos chosen to be produced were well researched. I have spoken to an IE employee who is also an enthusiast (lucky boy) and he says that the four sliding windows were all from a 141 class loco and 112 did have four at the beginning of it's loan period down south. I have only ever seen three myself but I didn't see 112 up close for a good few months after she was loaned to IE. There are detail differences between prototype locos that have been changed during overhaul down through the years. On some locos the lifting rings aren't at an angle (as per the models) on the panel where the roof fans are. Some locos have one or more lifting rings on the roof panel behind the cab on the opposite end. If that kind of detail interests you then it is worth studying photos before you choose a model to renumber. I believe this is also the case on the 111 class. 082 also has had some small changes to the roof during overhaul. Personally the bogies are a bit two dimensional and should be more curved but it ain't a deal breaker. The IE logo is a bit too large on the cab sides of 071 and 082. The yellow warning panel is a bit wider on the prototype but it isn't anywhere as bad as the warning panels on 201, 222, and 229. I do hope the the livery and logos are corrected on 077 and 085 when they are released. In fairness the color of the numbers where changed to the correct style from what they were on the pre production models of 071 and 082 (more good research from PM) and I am confident that this will be the case with the errors on the models to be released later. Rich,
  13. Folks can we just clarify that it is a 201 model that Signal is having difficulty with chipping here as there seem to be wires crossed as some think the model is an 071. Rich,
  14. Frans link is the one Richie (thanks Fran) he is an amazing modeller. As Fran has said the class 59 he super detailed is a man pushing himself to the limit. He even tried to recreate the cooling grille mesh behind the grille on the side of the loco. I have a love hate relationship between the class 59 and 66 locos. I love the 59's, and ain't to fond of the 66's. Rich,
  15. That is the Just like the real thing (JLTRT) company. There is a chap on RMweb at the moment who is building a JLTRT class 37 with axle mounted traction motors and full springing. Rich,
  16. It would be nice to see a stand alone wagon with the right brake gear, w irons, axle boxes and j hangers. If they were sold in three packs it might make more sense financially. Take the cost of an MIR two axle wagon, factor in the cost of having someone building it and it would probably be more expensive. The last lot of bubbles produced by MIR were expensive enough for just a kit. Rich,
  17. Lovely photos Gordon. I haven't seen to many photos of the sandite coach very often, or modelled come to think of it. I'll definitely be popping back to check out some more. Rich,
  18. With all the loco and passenger rolling stock that we have been treated to in rtr It would be a nice surprise if we got a cement bubble in rtr. Rtr freight is a huge hole within the hobby. The chassis could be utilized for a number of other wagons. I've scratch built a number of different wagons in the past and built kit's but it would be a great buzz if MM were to do a run of wagons. Some of the UK rtr manufacturers have released wagons that were in the Parkside or Cambrian range for years so who knows. Rich,
  19. Fran I've had a good look at the photos Andy Y posted on RMweb. I remember your comment on the springs on the bogies a while back and I agree Dapol should have molded them instead of using springs, as they look a bit distorted. Otherwise it is an equal to the Hornby class 60 if not better. I might even invest in a blue one as they are an iconic loco. Rich,
  20. That's sounds very promising Des. I was planning to have an etch done for the latest weed spray coach based around the ones I already have for the GSV's. There wouldn't be as much work needed with there being no roof detail and gangways. Rich.
  21. Looks great Stephen, it's your layout and you run what you like. They are damn fine models Dapol are really moving forward as a contender for the No 1 slot in the UK. Not quite there but not far off. Good luck with the wiring. Rich,
  22. Des that looks really good. No doubt it will be a winner. I was thinking about something like it for the weed spray wagons. I love it. Rich,
  23. The JLTRT kit's are top class Fran. One of the lad's in the MRSI built a MK11 kit a few years ago in BR blue, it is stunning. Pete Waterman did a series years ago on the History of Trains in the UK, it was well worth a watch and often gets repeated on Discovery Turbo. It's an interesting location to model as it would have seen traffic from all the big four companies. Rich,
  24. Thanks for the link Steve. It's strange that it has been classified as Class 68 when there is a Class 70. Mind you it's possibly not the first time it's happened. Rich,
  25. A lifetime's dream come true Pat. A lot of the rolling stock is now in the JLTRT range. He says it will never be finished and that is the right way to be. Keep it evolving and it stays interesting. Rich,
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