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Everything posted by RedRich

  1. Great photographs of the layouts Kirley. There were some excellent looking layouts on display. It's good to see that everyone had a great day out. Well done to all concerned. Rich,
  2. Thanks Richie, I look forward to it. Rich,
  3. Maybe some of them felt tired after the midweek game Pat. I thought Villa played well for a young team and Weimann could have had a hatrick. As Fran has said though they need to stop leaking goals. Rich,
  4. I agree Fran they really need to shore things up at the back. Utd's success was always built on a solid defence. I think next year could see a big exodus from the club. I can't see Scholes playing beyond this season. I think Ferdinand is past his best, will Vidic return to his best, Nani and Anderson haven't lived up to the high expectations that Ferguson had for them. Rich,
  5. Great pics guys especially the A class and wagons. I can't remember seeing the tanktainers before. Any more pics from that day in the North Wall Richie. Rich,
  6. That's an excellent offer for the money. Was that loco in that livery released as part of the Bachmann release programme or was it a ltd edition model. Rich,
  7. Go 2-0 down twice in four days and come back to win 3-2 on both occasions. They do it season after season they never give in, they fight to the end. It could have been even more for both sides. It was a great game to watch and Villa played very well too. Rich,
  8. RedRich


    The models are unfortunately dimensionally incorrect in some areas especially between the top of the windows and the rain gutter. The bogie's are over scale when compared to those on the Cravens or those produced by Replica Railways. There are also some issues with the Body sides bowing inwards in places. This is probably due to the fact that the roof is a separately fitted item, and the body suffers from the bowing, maybe from it being released from the mold. Unfortunately there is really no fix for the dimensional errors on the coach. The bowing can be fixed by adding bulkheads to the model. It's all down to if can you live with it or can't you. I have some myself and I will get a few more standards to try and complete a rake. I hope a composite will be released as they were a very unique coach, and a super standard would be nice too. If as I have said you can live with some of the let downs of the model they do look good from certain angles. As for poor running coaches I would check the back to backs on the wheel sets and the springs for the close coupling units. Also don't run them on small radius curves. HTH Rich,
  9. Very nice looking job Stephen she looks the part. Rich,
  10. Interesting to see the Donegal football manager taking on the role in devolopment at Celtic. Rich,
  11. Cool video Fran. Is that one of the train crew changing the point at the end, or was he working on the ground. Rich,
  12. I watched a chap doing a demonstration before and when done right it looked very effective. Rich,
  13. It's spectacular, His Loyds bank buildimg model is superb. Rich,
  14. You have a great selection of rolling stock Wiggy and the layout build is really coming on. Rich,
  15. Hi Jack if you get some time could you please post up some pics of the models. Rich,
  16. It was a great result. I watched the highlights myself as I was also watching the United game. I thought Celtic were dreadfully unlucky in the game in Barcelona. Rod Stewart at the end of the game was a wonderful example of what the club means to him. Rich,
  17. I've read the booklet from the manufacturer, it contains a lot of info. Definitely the way to go regarding the points and signals Stephen, good decision. Rich,
  18. I'd love to see a kit produced. I'd love to have a go at building one. It a beautiful loco especially in the new green livery. Rich,
  19. Lovely models Stephen and Seamus well done. Seamus you have learned the skills from trying yourself and you deserve lot more credit than you give yourself. Rich,
  20. Things are looking good Stephen. Gareths wagons deserve special mention as they are amazing models, really top class modelling. The baseboards are superb looking also. Things are really looking good. Rich,
  21. This mans work is of epic proportions. It truly is amazing. I attended an exhibition of his work many years ago and it has to be seen to be believed. http://www.willard-wigan.com Rich,
  22. From what I have seen in photos Seamus of the pre and production shots it looks epic. I think Bachmann have taken the throne as having the best Diesel era model. 2 power cars 4 beautiful coaches with interior lighting and illuminated table top lamps. It's set the bar higher. Rich,
  23. RedRich

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Nice one Des I look forward to it. Rich,
  24. I'll also add that they got their Blue Pullmans in today so things may be a bit hectic. Our own traders on the group provide a great service too. Rich,
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