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Everything posted by John-r

  1. Hi Guys. Any last minute updates of the endangered species on the leaderboard, feel the need to get a few more of there beauties Cheers John.
  2. Good morning all, Happy camper here this morning, just received the KUA wagons, no photos yet still drooling over them. Not are they only some size, but the attention to detail is really something else. Excellent wagon lads and very well done. (escort coaches next I presume) I'll leave now.
  3. John-r


  4. Done. Hope you sweep the board with award's. Best of luck
  5. Great addition to the fantastic project 42 range, lots of scope with what to do with them. Ordered.
  6. Hi all, I have one of these Lima 201s myself plus a few Lima coaches resprayed into gen vans, so can the pizza cutter wheels be changed to something like the rp25 I think that what they are called or must they stay as they are. Sorry if this has been answered already or sounds a silly question, thanks john
  7. Got my order in ,these wagons have a habit of selling out very quickly, which is great news for everyone. Lovely looking wagons once again. Thank you lads, john
  8. Absolutely fantastic scene really realistic, love the weathering on the spoil wagons and the loads inside them, TBH really like everything about this layout, well done Noel .
  9. Received my spoil rake before the weekend. Another winner, really like these wagons probably as they are currently operating on the network, thanks to DJ Dangerous for posting the video on page one , really nice to see the real wagons in action.Really Lovely wagon thanks again lads.
  10. My keg bundle arrived yesterday evening and I was able to really appreciate going over these wagons last night. To say they are stunning is an ( and yes I have said that about each Irm release and will probably say the same about future releases ) understatement. They really do look the part . Thanks very much lads once again for a lovely wagon. Cheers
  11. What a great way to start the week, great news Fran thanks for the good news, they look fantastic.
  12. Really fantastic looking loco, the detail is sublime also this livery really does it for me, not really my era , well yes anything you lads produce for us will be my era. So I got to have one in this livery. Very well done guys an absolute winner.
  13. Hi George, Just got a digital copy, thanks very much for the offer, will still be on the lookout for a paper copy. Thanks to all for the replys
  14. Hi guys, Thanks for the replys, I have tried the publisher, Rail Express are out of stock, tried amazon, eBay and a few other UK magazine places but to no avail, also wary of taking out subscriptions as last time I did that each issue was damaged so cancelled subscription, not with this magazine company. Kind of just putting this out there hoping someone might know where else to look. Thanks guys. john
  15. Hi all,. Looking for some help, I have been collecting this magazine since it started in 1994 I have every issue except for May 2020 . Its out of stock at Rail Express and everywhere else it seems, and because of this lockdown I cannot travel to look for it. I have tried all the usual suspects with no luck so far, so if anyone here could point me to some outlet that will post to Kerry I would be very grateful and also stand you a pint of the black stuff when normality returns. Thanks guys. John.
  16. These are going to be cracking wagons as well, judging by the samples we have seen,. I think at this stage you lads know your business and markets very well and what the best option you need to take is going forward, there I said it (going forward) . It won't matter to me whether the postmark says an post or Royal Mail , keep up the excellent work guys and thanks for these great Irish models.
  17. Done. All the best with this lads.
  18. Lovely work Jason,.the silo is fantastic and the subtle weathering really sets it of great work. Now on to your containers, that has to be some of the most realistic weathering I have ever seen, they are excellent. Very refreshing thread I must say. cheers John.
  19. Got my card as well yesterday, lovely touch, Thanks so much for these and all the other fantastic wagons you brought us so far. Hope the IRM team and their families and indeed everyone on the forum have a lovely Christmas and a peaceful New Year. Cheers Everyone. John-r.
  20. Got mine last week from Amazon, what a cracking book, great photos, it's one of those books you look at, put down, pick back up and look at again, great reference book,. Well done to the Author. Thank You.
  21. Great news Fran,. Fantastic looking wagons, herself will be well pleased with them, I bought her them for Christmas.
  22. Fantastic, it's a credit to you. Really enjoyed following your layout build. Very atmospheric photos ,well done. john.
  23. Lovely job Eamonn, they look the part, also it was really nice to meet yourself and Enda last week at the Camden fort show. Thanks for taking the time both of you to talk and explain things. Your layout was class and I'm particularly taken with your z21 controller it was nice to have a go and get the feel of a dcc controller. Thanks once again. Cheers john
  24. Hi Jason. Really enjoy your workbench, the silo is brilliant looking, same here I also have a fondness for cement wagons and cement traffic in general, looking forward to your updates. Btw. did you do any more to your ammonia wagons they were taking shape really well ,any pics of them finished. Cheers. John.
  25. Congrats Dave,. Looking like it's going to be something really special. They got the right man for the job. One question Dave ,. what is open frame,. sorry if it's a silly question.
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