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Everything posted by John-r

  1. Great news, any few bob of a saving means my body parts stay with me a little bit longer , until of course you release another tempting and teasing model
  2. Thanks Stephen, will keep watching my emails, . Galteemore, great explanation of the polo mint logos, I didn't know that either thank you. Dive, what 92 are you thinking of getting, saw 92010 on display at the mrsi show recently and have to say they look stunning along with the Caledonian coaches.
  3. Hi Divecontroller, I'm sure this is not much help, but 92010 is an accruscale exclusive and has no polo mint logos which 92038 has, other than that I'm at a loss as to which one to Get as I don't do much British outline, but man they look something else, also missed the Caledonian coaches as well, cough, cough lads.
  4. John-r

    IRM Fert Wagon

    So when can I expect you for the tay,
  5. They look right at home already, lovely collection of vehicles.
  6. John-r

    IRM Fert Wagon

    I would take some as well, they really finish of the loads inside the ferts. It's the world wide free installation that sells it for me.
  7. Ya might get me an oul pass once the tar dries
  8. They look really good, A missing link.
  9. Looking forward to going to this, not to far from Tralee.
  10. What a fantastic achievement, all the A class now gone on the IRM website. For such a niche market as Irish Railways is, this is some feat, the boys took a chance on this, we took a chance on the boys pulling it off knowing they would , Win Win for us all. Onwords and upwards as they say, thanks lads for all of this. All this came about because I just figured out how the sound works on my A class, it's something else
  11. Yeah the last picture is the one, just fantastic, really they are all fantastic.
  12. Delighted to hear your news Ken, gave myself a bit of time to study properly the photos of Port Breige, and it's just really something else the detail is brilliant.
  13. My tuppence worth it I may, I was their on Sunday and yes it was a bit cramped, some stalls and layouts were hard to look at, it did look smaller than previous years (not the crowd ) But it was my first show in 4 years, did I enjoy it ! Most certainly, from having a good chat with Fran then talking to Paddy Murphy both taking a good bit of time to explain things, some other tall lad joined the conversation with Paddy explaining the new 141 in supertrain livery with ir logos was one of the first cut up, to me living in Kerry so far away you cannot buy that interaction with people. Finished off with a lovely cup of coffee and slice of brack, well done to everyone involved and thank you
  14. Brilliant work and great credit to all involved, well done.
  15. Brilliant idea Noel, was at the Glasgow show before covid and was blown away by the amount of traders, layouts and space to walk around freely, a great show, Warley might overwhelm me completely. This sounds like a good start?
  16. Quick question lads, is there anyway you can let us know how many of the coach packs are left as you are doing with the icr sets, just to budget out which to order first, as I missed out on some of the nir coach packs, and before anyone helpfully suggests we had plenty of notice, I have to eat first then trains. Totally understand if you do not want to divulge this information.
  17. Got a copy of this from Leslie at the show on Sunday, what a great read, brilliant photos as well, Grew up watching these trains at Greencastle, it was a dare with my mates to stand under the small bridge at hazelbank not far from the mill road, first time I did it when the spoil train went over it was nearly new underpants time , the noise was tremendous, anyway a fantastic book well worth it.
  18. Really enjoy this thread, an outstanding collection of the history of our railways, there is something to suit everyone in this collection of photos including myself as I grew up watching the spoil trains around Greencastle, then got a school trip to York road depot around 1970, moved to Tralee around 1983, oh to have the sense to have a to record one's own history as well with all the railway changes. Thank you Ernie so much.
  19. Very well put phil, the lads leave no screw unturned when it comes to top Quality models for us.
  20. Nice one , thank you , when I put in shale wagon nothing like this came up, on hindsight the two different Tara wagons a bit easier
  21. They look the part, very well weathered too.Great job
  22. Good call is right, that looks doable even for me, any side pics, not to go off topic.
  23. Body parts (mine not worth much) , Family, house, nothing else springs to mind just yet.
  24. I was actually hoping that some of the bargain will be there Sunday for us customer that has to rip the mattress up Saturday night to Get musty bank notes out ( not the northern type ) , I swear they should be fine..
  25. Really lovely layout, the weathering is also superb.
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