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Everything posted by John-r

  1. Looking forward to the show next week, any list of who is attending yet, either way always an enjoyable show.
  2. Chat and Whisky more than enough, no chairs required, floor to crash on, great plan coming together . Keep up the great work Regards John.
  3. Coming along really well, Great work, can I ask were do the bunk beds go for us all when we visit, I have first dibs . Enjoying your progress
  4. Ok, thanks for the speedy reply.
  5. They look really special, another winner.
  6. As title above suggests, for the upcoming Bangor show and following shows, do you have any plans to accept payment for new releases or items with a deposit paid, like the forthcoming new railcars, bullied wagons and laminate coaches or will it just be for what stock you have on the day. What I'm trying to say is, at the Bangor show for instance, if I have cash on me can I purchase, say laminate coaches that have not arrived yet.
  7. Richly Deserved, Massive congrats to you all. In all fairness your models are exceptional and I'm speaking as a very happy customer, Well Done
  8. Have to say, I'm really enjoying watching your project take shape, it's looking really good and look forward to your updates, weather permitting. Great work.
  9. Very handy formation guide, one question though, what's the little carriage behind the locos and sometimes at the rear . Fantastic looking coaches lads,great work. Dutch van soon hopefully.
  10. Thanks DJ, that actually makes sense to me and is very helpful, sometimes this decoder stuff goes right over my head.
  11. Thanks Jason, no need to change any settings so, appreciate the help, thanks .
  12. So, would any 21 pin decoder do ?, also will IRM be releasing a specific plug and play decoder for the driving trailer coach, for us not so familiar with dcc and changing settings. Absolutely Stunning coaches lads brings back great memories thanks.
  13. Brilliant DJ, only you would Get away with it and lads these coaches look absolutely stunning as well.
  14. My pack the same as JasonB above arrived this morning as well, they are totally on a different level altogether, very well done gang, one pack landed five more to go.
  15. Fantastic looking wagons,well done IRM, will have to get some of these, but Leslie I think you started the ball rolling on a lot of Irish themed wagons and are to be highly congratulated on this, the lads know what I mean by this, congrats to all.
  16. What a brilliant looking layout, really looks the part, well done Joe.
  17. The Best looking wagon kit yet, imo, the spoil wagon was a masterpiece Leslie, the enjoyment I got from building these kits, along with the single and double beet wagons, well let's just say they kept me grounded and in a good place, thank you.
  18. nice one Phil, that's what it's all about, memories to cherish.
  19. So you got a purple one DJ, I'm really on the fence about this livery, but it looks so good, like yourself I try and support Accurascale were I can, between themselves and IRM and hopefully the jeep making an appearance, the future looks good
  20. Have to say, your work really brings what are models to life, very believable results, excellent work.
  21. Great looking wagon Leslie,glad I got two sets at the show, would definitely be up for a different running number and think the bauxite livery would be class looking as well, also a must to have. Keep up the great work Leslie.
  22. Great news that the Bulleid open wagons are being produced R-T-R by irm, they will be something special. However my own tuppence worth in this was the sheer enjoyment got from building Leslie's kits (staples an all ). Congrats well deserved to both IRM and Leslie.
  23. Hi All, Anyone else having difficulties logging in to the Accurascale website. I have been unable to do so the last few days, I can access the trade page and the eu page but not the UK page, any help appreciated. Regards John.
  24. Top notch work as usual, lovely bits and pieces for a layout, well done Popeye.
  25. Absolute stunner of a model, ( the class 37 I mean ), two more DRS locos arriving in the near future, one with sound, to join spirit of the lakes. Will look really well on my proposed Tralee to Fenit branch line, sorry lost the run of myself there. Great loco well done to all involved.
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