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Everything posted by John-r

  1. Looking forward to next year's releases, I think . Happy New year to you all
  2. Really something special, Merry Christmas.
  3. Merry Christmas David, enjoying the progress.
  4. A very Happy Christmas to one and all on the forum and to your family's. . Regards John.
  5. Stunning, another winner, well done and a very Happy Christmas to you and your family's
  6. I have been told by my Mrs to write this post to ask, have the 92s arrived in Ireland yet, and if she buys me one would it be here in time for Christmas. Please understand I am writing this under extreme duress , God love her, one with sound an all she wants to Get me.
  7. Hi Dive, I stand to be corrected on this but over on the RM forum the class 92 sound is legobiffoman and available from him, I'm sure one of the lads will confirm or correct this shortly.
  8. Your right DJ, I suppose I'm just like a kid looking in the shop window saying, I want that,that and that, when in reality I will have to keep some body parts for the Dutch vans, class 80s, jeeps and the Hunslets .
  9. I wonder seeing as these coaches proved very popular and are still in production, could the run be increased a little, just a though, right I'll get me coat,
  10. What a great idea David, like Mike 84C above, we find something then forget we're we saw it, if most of everything we need was in one section with members contributing to it, what a great resource for modelling.
  11. You can't beat a good box.
  12. January sales started early I see,
  13. Really looking good, great work Philip.
  14. Would give anything to be there watching it in real time, looking brilliant as always.
  15. Great news Stephen, looking forward to seeing them, they will be something special.
  16. They really do look something else, can't wait.
  17. I did reply on Facebook, and while I would buy an 800 class, I would definitely buy at least two ncc jeeps to run with my outstandingly good rake of provincial wagons spoil wagons. Regards John.
  18. Thanks Adrian, looking forward to seeing these tutorials as well.
  19. Great job Phil, the transfers are something else .
  20. Both liveries look stunning, massive amount of work by you all to Get these over the line. Top class carriages.
  21. same as that, both the red oxide and blue livery, But before being classed a moaner, I had planned for a 9am release and was taking my Grandson to school to be back in time for the sale, when I put some in my basket just because it was a good bargin they literally sold out. As I say not to worry I already have more than enough Tara wagons in both liveries when first released. So is there a January sale happening
  22. On a personal note, the blue tara,s look much much better in the flesh, from the colour blue itself to the tara lime green sign, really one of the nicer liveries.
  23. . I would have thought 13 was an unlucky number, if you want you can tell us between 1 and 3 new releases that would be fine by us.
  24. Great work Noel, thanks for sharing.
  25. Hi , have sent you a pm Regards John.
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