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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Folks, Here is the second little item that I promised you before Christmas. The Wickam Inspection Car kit. Three of these were introduced in 1962 (711, 713 & 714) The kit includes wheels, transfers, underframe, handrail wire, and acetate for windows and amber lighting. It has a fully detailed interior of seating and control wheel. The doors can be fixed open or closed. It is designed to be motorised with a Black Beetle 35mm. All for €22 and €3p&p.
  2. Where?? Where ????
  3. Seamus, The very best of luck with the upgraded site, it looks v. fine All the best Des
  4. Good God, taht collection must be worth about €75000... faBULUOUS.
  5. Ah jayz David, but those shots are only wonderful. You make it look effortless. Grass on the permanent way, lightly rusted rails and a wooden bufferbeam on the Lissadell. Is it real wood?? Glorious.
  6. Interesting thread here on Coreless+DCC. In essence, there should be no issue 'tall, 'tall.... http://www.modelrailforum.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3384
  7. My mouth is watering already...
  8. Very weird. The model 52 crashed as the result of a similiar maneuver.....mad!
  9. How about this for a large model. Eight jet engines. €50k worth of model that went up in smoke when it banked too sharply causing sheer and lack of lift.
  10. Yup, the man has spoiled us rotten, they are an absolutely classy piece of kit. You need them weathered to really appreciate the detail on them.
  11. Should that read "severely battered 20' containers with the sides cut out"? rough lookin'!
  12. Excellent, and most appreciated.
  13. The good Dr.'Derg provided the initial inspiration with his paper version, to have all those dimensions straight to hand was a mighty boost. Converting it to a etchable equivalent, well, sin scéal eile!
  14. David, What superlative do I use? Your work is just wonderful. LOVE the weeds on the permanent way. Verisimilitude how are yah! "Most of all, never be frightened to experiment". Absolutely. That is exactly the way to get things done. If it goes right, result. If not, just try again, with the added bonus of experience.
  15. Thanks lads, great interest shown so far (orders being placed 30 minutes after publication et al). And by the way, here is the AB Box and phone.
  16. Well you've all been very patient. I'm loving some of the suggestions coming through, but given the work involved in the ammonia rake (more anon.) I did say it was a stocking filler. So here is the first one. The classic P&T Telephone Box, good for any layout from 1930-2000. €9 and €1p&p and will include the "telephone" wording to go inside the cap element as well as window acetate. It also includes the AB phone to fit inside! I will have a painted one later in the week. The window frames are seperate for ease of painting
  17. Hi lads. In between designing the Ammonia Rake, I got the chance to finish off a few little stocking fillers for the Yuletide season. Everybody now...."the holidays are coming, the holidays are coming..." Watch this space over the weekend...
  18. Ain't it the truth...ain't it the TRUTH....
  19. Cheezus Tiddy Kryyst. Never mind the loco, that is a stunning shot. All looks well with her!
  20. Dave, Take that thing out of the box and let us see what the kit is composed of, pleeeze. (Go on)*5.... etc Or even better (Go on)^5!
  21. Atta boy Richie!!
  22. And sold already!
  23. Good to hear that the underframe material has been kept. I would imagine that the above-frame rebuild would chiefly involve sheet metal. A lot easier than having to recast wheels, make up springs, axle guards etc.
  24. Lough Erne, thanks for that info. I'm not massively surprised by that news as I remember inspecting the inside of the tender back in '84 and it was just a box of flaking rust. Did they hold onto the tender wheels when they broke her up or did they throw them out too?
  25. Yes. But the year of release is a different matter as she has to get in line behind the D17/D9
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