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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Oh, that would be the plan. It's getting the details right so that it all fits easily together that takes the time..
  2. Hmmmm. I'll consider adding it to the work stack, but I have several other pets projects to get out of the way first. Great to see the upgraded drawings on the site. These will help significantly.
  3. Is that a hint Mr. B?
  4. Wow George. The whitemetal 42' looks great. Plenty of weight on the track too. Given the pricing, I figure that kit is from c.'85. That bus is a work of art (thanks for the shout out!). Really lovely weathering, colours, everything (the rear lights are a delight). It just looks so right. I want one!
  5. That is a quality conversion, all those compound curves. You've really caught the essence of the front and the colour scheme looks very good as well. Well done sir.
  6. Very thirsty, quite distracted, and beyond the student stage so well able to indulge
  7. I lived in Phibsorough from '90-93 but never heard of this place. On a related topic, did his shop sell a basic O gauge Maebh kit that I have vague recollections hearing about at some stage?
  8. Ah now that is just class. T'would make a man switch wholesale from choo-choo's to vroom vrooms.....
  9. Ahhh now, how could you eat something as lovely as that????
  10. Riversuir, nice one. I am considering a discount for orders of the full 2+6.
  11. Thanks lads, it's a great relief to have hit this milestone with the bulk of design and implementation completed. At this stage only the the Whitemetal detail needs to be finalised. As usual these projects take a lot more than you think to come to fruition and there's been a lot of late nights over the last two months. Fortunately, it's given me the chance to finish off several other pet projects and all will be revealed over the next few weeks. Oh and for my penny's worth, "Wish you were here" knocks DSOTM into a tin hat. Especially when approaching Skellig Micheal on Des Lavelle's boat with Parts 1-4 thundering through your ears on a walkman in 11984. Jaysusssss.......
  12. All, The barrier wagon etch is now also completed and gone to the etchers. I'm particularly delighted with this one, lots of extra detail and many thanks to George Norman for his photos that clarified the extra detail! Regards Des
  13. Niiiiiiice! Well done Seamus!!
  14. Good God, if the HO SD70 towers over the OO 66 to that degree, the OO would be an ANIMAL.
  15. David, Paul Greene will see you right for the 7mm version. Horsetan, great construction photos. Hairgrips eh? Necessity is truly the mother of invention...
  16. Many's the time I walked it as part of the GSRPS back in the day when it housed no.90
  17. Your camera has some impressive telephoto on it!
  18. Oh be still my beating heart, seven brass locos. Awesome.
  19. Me too, the GNR AEC is gorgeous. Great paint job of a class livery.
  20. For the ultimate in detailed accuracy try phd designs, c.€30 inclusive of p&p. I have one, pure class. http://www.phd-design-etchings.co.uk/Products/Trailer/trailer.htm Damn. Just realise Shinkasen got there before me. Are you thinking of trailers like these?
  21. Hi all, Just to let you know that the Ammonia and 42' bogie flat test etch is currently with the etchers. I should have samples back in the next fortnight. These will then be built to enable the prototype to checked for accuracy and make the necessary adjustments, and enable detailed instructions to be written. Regards Weshty. p.s. Two other items are also well in the pipeline and should follow in the next month! More anon.
  22. Wow! Great concept, particularly with the residential housing.
  23. Czy mówisz po polskiej, czy też po prostu użyć Tłumacz, jak mam zrobić?
  24. Love that last photo. Very atmospheric.
  25. Jaysus. Mighty tasty weathering there Richie. It's a fine looking model. Well photo'd too. 42' flats is it eh? Only two weeks to the test etches back in my grubby little paws.....and all the other lovely schtuff.
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