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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. When the 16-ton tram came at them, those waiting at the Karlovo namesti tram stop couldn't flee- a barrier separating the platform from the street blocked their way. A 59-year-old man was crushed to death and three people were critically injured in the March 16 accident, while a 64-year-old woman standing nearby was killed when the tram flung her into the path of a car. City transit officials, however, point out that such accidents are rare and call Prague's 20-year-old fleet of trams safe. The crash, the worst tram accident in Prague this year, brought the death toll involving trams to four in three months. At first officials said track failure or a breakdown with the tram itself could have been to blame. But then witnesses said the driver had taken the 90-degree turn that leads into Karlovo namesti - heading westbound from the Stepanska stop - at an unusually high speed. The speed limit there is 15 kilometers (nine miles) per hour. Police later said the tram was going 32 kilomers per hour. The front car of tram 22 stayed on track, but the back car lurched off. An eyewitness told Mlada fronta Dnes that the driver "was going like a crazy man." The driver, only identified as Jiri P., had 13 years of experience without incident, said Michaela Kucharova, spokesperson at the city's Traffic Authority, and had passed his yearly "health, psychological and procedural" exams. He suffered a nervous breakdown after the accident, said Kucharova, and his license has been suspended pending investigation. http://www.praguepost.com/archivescontent/40781-trams-called-safe-despite-accidents-deaths.html
  2. Lovely job, great paint finish and crisp modelling work.
  3. Rapier wit, our Wrenn. Superb.
  4. Damn, knowing those authors, that will be a fine read.
  5. I really like the second photo. The real deal. I take it that was fresh cat litter...out of the bag like
  6. You can keep the orders coming in lads, I've ordered another batch this morning, so 10 -12 days et al...
  7. Hi all, The pocket detailing is now in stock, I'll throw up some photos this evening. Regards Weshty.
  8. Nigel , Can you confirm what is immediately on the cards? I want one!! Thanks Des
  9. Weedspray wagons being considered...
  10. Garfield, p&p is 1.50 (1 or 5) Scah, plaese see attached
  11. Sound men! And here are the optional burmah style catwalks (an extra €1.50 each)
  12. Sorted boss.
  13. Yup, a Dapol C034 BP. The cut down is quite easy and I will add the detail to the instructions. I have 17 left, so with 1 at €7.50 or five at €32 first come...
  14. Well, the etches arrived in the post today, so here's how they look. The side strengthening detail is easy enough. Hold down the angle length with blue tack, hold teh trangles with a tweezers, apply superglue and slot in the designated holes....voila! The hardest part was cutting the C034 chassi to size and making sure the solebars are correctly cut...
  15. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Hi all, SSM customers who has questions about the Sulzer or any other products they have purchased can contact me directly via email. I will be only too delighted to assist and resolve any queries as best as possible, as many of you can already attest to (props to Enniscorthy man and Ger!) Based on some direct requests I have finalised and approved a Sulzer retrofit grill pack that will be available to customers on request. I should have it in stock in two weeks time.
  16. Mighty job done, I'll update the website and refernence those models for kitbashing!
  17. Tasty num num.
  18. White Roof, steam era.....what brain burning laudanum from the Hindu Kush were those Victorian era engineers on???
  19. Well lads, a good evenings work done. Just have to add the edge on the left hand side and we're done!
  20. Richie, Our ones look like an amalgam of 23 and 25. Quite "rounded" yet with an angularbend on one side.....which is how I will make them....
  21. Damn, Took my eye off this one, it's a lovely kit. Next time.... ;-)
  22. Thanks river. That's a very handy resource to have.
  23. This is the Burmah decal detailing, thanking Mr Church! Remember, this is available currently. F28
  24. By God I would hope so! Litigation city otherwise...
  25. It's like being 10 years of age in Noonan's Toystore in Charleville all over again looking at those Lima catalogues. Good vibes man. Still great to see the 141's posted up. They really really set the bar.
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