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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Glad to see prototype photos of some ssm kits out there.... http://www.studio-scale-models.com/img/A24c.jpg http://www.studio-scale-models.com/img/A25.jpg http://www.studio-scale-models.com/img/S08.jpg
  2. Our modern equivalent of "dare oul' durty Dubbellin...rare oul' toimes, wha?"
  3. Great info, I'll have to update the signal instruction sheets...and I'll provide a signal kit for less than half the price of that one http://www.studio-scale-models.com/Signals.shtml
  4. Dear Sweet Deity of Choice. Absolute brown trousers time.
  5. Lovely job on the loco, must say the new "livery" does look imposing, apart from those twattish side numbers. Sráid Urban Decay looks well, all that's missing is some some wildlife and a few vicious screeching birds (the ones with hoops on their ears, rather than on their legs).
  6. Wow. Those are nice....nice price too though.
  7. Weshty

    CIE Brakevan.

    Very, very nice, and being scratchbuilt, you probably love it more than you would any superdetailed Backky or Hornby equivalent! You could probably tell a tale for every square centimeter or it.
  8. Weshty

    CIE Brakevan.

    I made up some brakepipes using 0.6mm wire with 0.15mm wire for the ribbing, prototypically correct but looks too fine for a model. Guitar wire definitely is the job. D light gauge?
  9. Weshty

    CIE Brakevan.

    Lovely job, great attention to detail, and some amount of work. The painting and weathering are very tastefully done too.
  10. Wonderful work David, that 7mm Leitrim Class is a beautiful loco, Beyer-Peacock really had an eye for simplicity of form and design.
  11. Cravens launched FOUR years?? Time flies. Nice shots Dave.
  12. Looking real well, that damn livery is growing on me....
  13. And a fine one it would make too....
  14. A lot of clearing. What are they up to. Lovely selection of shots
  15. . Atta boy!!
  16. Lovely,lovely layout. Subtle, effective and just looks so...right.
  17. Richie. You must be reading too much AA Gill. A name like Tarquin would get the s*&* kicked out of you even in Wesley or Clongowes.
  18. Wow, that is a tasty looking tray of goodies....nice one Kieran.
  19. Don't worry Richie, there's an SSM V Class kit if you want your own! I will definitely do the required cross-country Odyssey to see this baby in action.
  20. JHB Colin Boocock's Locomotive Compendium: Irelandbook p. 43. I hear what you're saying about rendition et al, but it sure does look bluey-green!
  21. Status Quo, I defer to JB Achill's depth of knowledge on this one, but can only add what I added myself to Wikipedia based on the various colour books I have Livery In CB&SCR service, the class was painted olive green with yellow lining.[8] In CIÉ service there was some variation in liveries. 466 was painted CIÉ green in December 1948.[7] 467 was a dark blue-green in 1953.[3] 470 was a dark matt off-black in 1954[3] and 463 was the same in 1962.[9] 464 appeared to be gloss black in 1961.[10]
  22. A stunning pice of work, very unique looking. Well done Richie.
  23. Great photos Eamon, there look to have been some mighty fine layouts there. And well up to Seamus on the new 071 respray with Ssm transfers.
  24. Lovely shots there. Semaphores, MK2's and a Bo Bo. And all of the past now.
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