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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. 12 pockets.....managable but a 12' layout would be useful to get the full effect.
  2. Weshty

    D Class build

    Straight up, I won't be doing that. The expected volumes do not justify it. A detailing kit on the existing Horby/Lima version is the route I'll be going down.
  3. Weshty

    D Class build

    Folks, I've been thinking about Ger's build and wondering would a D-Class detailing etch pack + transfers be of interest? Higher windows, side boxes, grills, footsteps etc. I'd need at least 10 kits to make it worthwhile. Over to y'all.
  4. Weshty

    D Class build

    Ger, lovely job done on both!
  5. Well..(cough) you know where to go for whatever combination or background shading you want...SSM at the ready.
  6. To call it faultless would be to insult it. Really beautiful modelling work. The rivet work must have brought you close to weeping. The billboards really finish it off. I'm feeling homesick already!
  7. Lovely weathering on the brakevan, it truly looks like it has gone through the wars. Is that an SSM oil lamp I see??
  8. Weshty

    D Class build

    Great inspiration there Mick.
  9. Cut, paste, collate, edit, index, size 9 times roman. PDF No bother. That's what desk top publishing is all about. Now photos.....that's a different matter.
  10. Sweet and tasty work.
  11. Thanks Richie, the B4 holds a very special place in my heart. One of the most elegant of the tank locos, and George has done a great build with it.
  12. Musically I would describe this weathering as "sotto voce". Just right!
  13. T'will take more than the threat of a MIL to make me talk! I have to complement the Ballybeg layout as well, that corner section with the cutting is very classy, it really looks the part.
  14. Oh SSM has some very interesting buns in the oven Shem....more anon.
  15. That is just lovely, she really looks well in green! I feel like a proud daddy
  16. Wow, now there is a contrast...
  17. Weshty

    New Arrival

    Stephen, great news, Orla will keep you on your toes!!
  18. Lady Edith looks well here... http://ngdiscussion.net/phorum/read.php?1,108201,108247
  19. Damn....I would have liked to attend that. Let us know he decides to do it again George.
  20. Kirley, really lovely job done and great weathering. Top class.
  21. But sure all you need is the SSM A Class detailing kit and 'twill be grand
  22. Props to Herr Scahalane as the first to put up a schematic, but here is my own version that I hope helps things along the way. I will include this in all future versions of relevant instructions. The resistors are a standard 0.25w so with a current draw of 7-9mA per LED, a single 1800Ω resistor should handle two LEDs ok.
  23. Rangermouse, welcome onboard and nice work. A bit of tasty weathering brings out the plethora of detail in this little honey of a loco....every time.
  24. It doesn't matter what side, the main purpose of the resistor is to limit the voltage drop across the LED to below the max specified value (typically 2volts), as well as limiting the circuit current.. Otherwise it fries. Example: Rated LED V =Vled=2V Supply voltage =Vs=12v 1800 ohm resistor Vs(12)=Vled(2) +V resistor= 12-2=8 Volts = Voltage across resistor= Current * 1800ohms Current = 8/1800=4.4mA
  25. Again, thanks for all the support and comments lads, very much appreciated
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