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Everything posted by Weshty

  1. Excellent, well worthy of stickyness....indeed well worthy of a potential Ian Allen / Colourpoint publication to be honest...
  2. That is an absolute gem of a documentary, very reminiscent of David knoxes "hands" series in the early eighties. Just shows you RTE can do it right when they keep the commentariat out of sight....
  3. I've been wanting to get this photo for years!
  4. Now that's just cruel. and unfortunately true....
  5. Just loving those photos. I don't know what to drool at more, the models or the backgrounds....
  6. Richie, Quality job, some serious amount of work in that! Regards Weshty
  7. Wow. Just wow. She looks immaculate.
  8. http://www.ebay.ie/itm/IWATA-High-Performance-C-PLUS-0-3mm-Airbrush-IW-HP-C-PLUS-/221168631078?pt=UK_Crafts_DrawingSupplies_EH&hash=item337ead7d26 http://www.ebay.ie/itm/Iwata-Revolution-CR-airbrush-IW-RV-CR-10-Years-Warranty-/120862951488?pt=UK_ToysGames_ModelKits_ModelKits_JN&hash=item1c23fe4840
  9. It's an anti-theft device. The containers were placed on them with the door side up against the headboard. No way to get access while in transit. That's what I was told by the Tralee Station Master anyways...
  10. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Folks, Do send me on any feedback on the kit or any construction tips or suggestions. anything that I can put into the instructions for improvement will be welcome.
  11. Rob. I hope to get some time over the next few days to finish the design and send it off. All the best. DES.
  12. Beamish. Damn fine porter, particularly when playing a 5 hour guitar session in a pub.
  13. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Ger, Many thanks for the kind sentiments. Merry Christmas to all! Regards Des
  14. "Dad, I give you two minutes to let me in that cab, or I feed your Murphy 201 version to the dog."
  15. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Well, burning the midnight oil last night and the bulk of orders packed and ready to go to Mr. Postie today. Remaining orders will be dropped in the post tomorrow.
  16. Weshty

    SSM Sulzer 101

    Hi all. I am happy to report that the Sulzer bodies finally arrived yesterday evening. The model is looking very tasty indeed. As a result I have been busy packing, sorting, printing and preparing since, and hope to have most orders in the post tomorrow morning so you should have them in time for Santa! All the best and a Merry Christmas to you and yours (MILs included).
  17. Thanks for the great info. Is 90 not back on the rails? I travelled on it 2 years ago, has something changed in the interim.
  18. "Two slices of the cake, both with the cherry on top" Paul Mc Cartney describing his music career. "Ok, let's wrap up this turkey before I puke" The ever engaging warmth of Lou Reed on completing "Transformer"
  19. It's still there!
  20. Shem, Yup, I have written up instructions, with a diagram. The wording is as follows: Assembly 1. Drill out the lamp as appropriate. For old style-drill base and front to meet, for modern-just widen the back hole. 2. Old style-insert LED and glue in place. Modern-thread LED wires & glue flat in the hollow section 3. Handle carefully as the wiring connection is very delicate 4. Old style-bend and cut 0.3mm PB wire to shape and superglue as lamp handle 5. Paint the lamp white/black/red/silver using acrylic paint 6. For a red light lamp, use a pin to pick up the 2mm diameter red filter circle. Place gently on a dot of superglue 7. Connect the longer LED wire to the resistor and connected to the positive. See diagram above.
  21. And a pack of two of them for €5 L06 http://www.studio-scale-models.com/Lights.shtml#
  22. Awesome job Richie. Proper size, great weathering, and your usual five star attention to detail.
  23. Weshty

    Family bereavement .

    Deepest condolences to you and your family Anto.
  24. Rob reminded me that I had promised to look up a photo of how I kit bashed a Bakky BCK. Here you are. On one side, it's just a case of covering up and redoing the windows at two points and covering the left end door with some thin styrene or acetate. On the other side, you saw off the end, saw out the middle and swap them. Then blank the ends and add a door and alter a window. The great think about bashing a Bakky is that you get to keep all the roof, end and panel detailing
  25. Jayzus titty kerrist, that is magnificent. Just after going back to earlier posts on this thread. Those bogie cements are scratch built?!!? Genuflections and chants of "we're not worthy" all round. And delighted the detailing kit got a shout out. Thank you!
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