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Dunluce Castle

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Everything posted by Dunluce Castle

  1. Thank you for all those Kieran, I have just bought Steam's last fling off Amazon, looking forward to it. Unfortunely I had to buy a second hand one, I just hope it comes in good nick.
  2. Hello all, I'm just wondering if anyone can recommend any books which specially cover the early NIR years, just after the UTA or a book with a bit of both? The reason I ask is because I obtained the DVD "Steam in Northern Ireland, the final years", its very good and has lots of interesting scenes, so I just want to expand upon it. Thanks, Nelson
  3. Thank you enniscorthyman
  4. Hello everyone, Just a quick update to show how far I have got with the BCDR brake can. Currently it happily clips onto the chassis and I am happy with how it's progressing. Yes I forgot to paint the inside of the duckets but don't worry I'll drill behind them and paint from there. Glazing for them will be done with glue and glaze. Unfortunetly my desk lamp has broke so I will need to obtain a new one when funds allow it, but that means that I can't model during the nights which is unfortunate. Thanks, Nelson
  5. Looking good, I like the conversion you did to the cattle wagon kit
  6. Very impressive work, looking forward to this. And also awesome photo quality, I love it!
  7. They were all free to view on the old RPSI website but now that they have a new website, this content has not yet been transferred over yet. They have reassured people that all of the info on the old website will be reviewed and implemented into the new website as soon as they can.
  8. Video edited and uploaded so if anyone wants to watch they can. I thoughouly enjoyed like I do every year and it's great to see some new layouts making an appearance. [video=youtube_share;AEZLBelcdZo]
  9. Very impressive structure with lots of interesting geometries
  10. Congrats to the buyer.
  11. I didn't get the time today Tony to trawl through the parts box, but I will get back to you as soon as I can. Just like Andy tho, I get all my supplies from Wizard Models who provide an excellent service.
  12. No it's fine, leave it the open for now, I don't know how much I'll be coming home with haha.
  13. Hello David, I would buy this but unfortunely Model Rail Scotland is this Saturday, so will have to see if I have any money left over after it. Nelson Ps: if anyone else is interested, work away!
  14. Hello David, is there any wheels/motor or gearbox?
  15. Sorry a bit late but here's two more, LMS NCC gate notice And this builders plate which belongs to dad.
  16. They are from the Stafford railway auction, did you buy any? I think the BCDR and UTA one went for far too much, and yes I did try and bid.
  17. Thanks for the comments all! Kirely, there are so many different methods of making the middle axle move or have some play in it. But to be honest I think this is by far the simplest way. I just remove the flanges on the centre wheel and lift the axle slightly. It does look a little unsightly and the wheel may not rotate all the time but it does allow me to run it over point work and round 3rd radius curves no problem at all. Junctionmad, I apologise I have used the wrong terminology. The W irons (in my case are cosmetic) are plasticard products made for my by a good friend. I will hopefully show them in usage during the next update.
  18. Very nicely done! I would never touch a ship kit with the fear of never actually finshing it, there are so many separate parts to paint.
  19. I do like those wagons, please can I ask where you obtained the buffers from? I'm guessing dart castings?
  20. Hello everyone, I thought I would just share my latest project that I started a few weekends ago, it's a BCDR brake van of 1800's design. This came about just from a sudden urge of modelling which meant I had to make my own W irons, which is good because it allowed me to practise more with my piercing saw and soldering iron. I have also made a start on the sides last night. I have no idea when this will be finished as it is just ticking over in the background, but that doesn't bother me as I do like to take my time haha. The chassis as it is, is already fairly heavy but I will still be adding weights onto the inside later on. I have no idea what livery to paint this in once it's finished because they did see action with the UTA, albeit for a short time. But I'm thinking a BCDR livery would be a nice contrast. Thanks, Nelson
  21. What a lovely layout, I love the scenery.
  22. Huge thank you to all the contributors to this thread. There are some real gems out there! I will hopefully get some more photos posted tomorrow.
  23. Wow David, I don't know why I haven't seen this earlier but that work is brilliant.
  24. I was wrong, it's by Alan Gibson, not bill Bedford. You can buy it through this website and its £10 http://www.wizardmodels.co.uk/FrameSetShop.php?DM=wizabout
  25. Yes, a company called Mainly Trains used to do this for excellent value for money, but unfortunately that have closed down now. However you can by a Bill Bedford version albeit slightly more expensive and you get a lot less. I'll get a link for you now.
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